Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.50.00 Fabales
English: Bean order.
DD: Phase 5, Phosphorus, Nitrogen; Carbon series; Silicon series; Iron series.
Fabales is one of the Orders in Fabidae, part of the Nitrogen fixing clade. The Order of the Fabales in the Apg3 classification consists of Fabaceae, Polygalaceae, Suraniaceae and Quillajaceae.
In the Plant theory the Nitrogen fixing clade is in Phases 5 to 7. Fabales is in Phase 5. The Zygophyllales, containing the families Zygophyllaceae and Krameriaceae, has been included in Fabales. The Family of the Fabaceae has been split into its 3 subfamilies: Mimosoideae, Caesalpinioideae and Papilionoideae. Quillajaceae is a family with only genus, Quillaja. It was once thought to be in the rose family, Rosaceae. At the moment it is difficult to place.
1. Suraniaceae: they feel like an outsider, thinking they have to overwork to be accepted, in time, maybe.
2. Polygalaceae: they have a place but have to work hard for it, or be overwhelmed by work or the group.
3. Mimosoideae: they are too eager to please to stop their overwork for the group.
4. Caesalpinioideae: they keep on working for the group and family until they collapse.
5. Papilionoideae: they feel limited and compressed by working for the group, looking for a safe exit.
6. Zygophyllaceae: they feel suppressed in the group, under a yoke, unloved and respected.
7. Krameriaceae: they feel that they will be rejected if they do not keep their control.
Here is a combination of series; this brings in the theme of being part of a family in a village. As member of a family, one is also part of the village. The family has to keep its place and respect in the village and the members have to work for that. At the same time the members have to find a place in the family, have to give and receive their love and respect. It is a complicated whole where work and family come together and then one has to find one’s own happiness too. It can be difficult to find a good balance between giving and taking in all the relationships. It is easy to get bound and limited too much or to do that to others. It often happens that people get rejected and pushed out of the system.
Work, money, business
They have a strong drive to make money, to have a good business that earns a lot. They have a big fear of poverty. This gets exaggerated once they have lost money, their business has gone bankrupt. It can happen when they have been cheated in business and money is stolen from them. They always have a fear they will not have enough, that it is not enough for the future, for their pension.
They can work very hard to get things done, to make their business flourish. They feel that one has to attend the business continuously in order to make it flourish. They can also make others work hard for them, making money by having employees work for them. They can make big investments to make more money. They can dabble on the stock market for bigger profits. Sometimes it can lead to a kind of gambling and they can lose a lot of money.
They try to insure their possessions in all possible ways.
Family, home
They work hard for their family, making enough money to taking care of their children and family. Often they have a kind of family business, where many members of the family work together for the family income and wealth. The father, the leader of the group or family, can be quite domineering, expecting everyone to participate in the family business. They prefer to stay at home, their safe haven. They only travel for business. Their home is their castle, their safe investment for the future and for the family.
Feeling of shame and guilt for what they have done wrong or not having done what they should have done.
Anger, rage, fury, held in or expressed, < too many demands, being rejected, humiliated, degraded.
Sad, depression, < being rejected, having failed, being unloved, humiliated, degraded.
Apathy, indifference from having the feeling that one’s goals cannot be reached.