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About Qjure - Encyclopedia of Homeopathy

Qjure objectives

The first objective is to be a homeopathic wiki, a homeopathic encyclopedia where everyone can look up remedy pictures and get an idea of what a remedy is and can do for health. This is the more needed as the last decennia many new remedies have been introduced whose pictures are not accessible to the public. And the knowledge of remedies has become much deeper, going to the essence of what a remedy means. The classification of Element theory in the Mineral kingdom has shown to be essential in the understanding of the elements and other minerals. The newly publish Plant theory in the Plant kingdom is another expansion of the knowledge, making the development of all plants possible. These developments go together with an understanding of what the essence of remedies is, where diseases come from. It tureens out that that is the mind, the core of someone’s being.

This part of the website is open to everyone. Patients can look up the remedy that has been prescribed for them. People can search for complaints and diseases to see which remedies can fit.

Database for professionals

The second objective is to publish new developments, to show new cases and proving that illustrate their remedy picture or give additions and corrections of the picture. This is the more needed as the Plant theory is not complete. Many families are not or hardly known and thus their position in the classification is not fully confirmed. The intention is that it will be a forum for the new developments in homeopathy, to show how the new homeopathy works.

This second objective is more for professionals, doctors or practitioners in homeopathy. For this part one has to become a member with a yearly fee. Then one has access to much more detailed information like cases and proving and more information given in the blogs and journal. Members can also participate in the discussion of the blogs and bring in journal articles.


Qjure is maintained by a group of exprenced homeopaths. This website is not an open wiki like wikipedia. This is done to prevent opinions taking over the website. This website has not the objective to prove homeopathy or start discussion about the validity of homeopathy. That station has long been passed as can be read under Evidence.

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