Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.53.00 Mimosoideae
Botany: 80 genera; 3200 species; tropical, warm temperate Asia and America; flowers radial; small petals; numerous prominent stamens; leaves twice pinnately compound. Mimosoideae is part of Fabaceae, which is also called Leguminosae, bean family, pea family.
Fabaceae consist of three subfamilies: Mimosoideae, Caesalpinoideae and Faboideae. They have legumes as fruits and therefore were also called Leguminosae. It is the bean family. Mimosoideae have radial flowers, whereas Caesalpinoideae often and Faboideae always have zygomorphic flowers. Mimosoideae have twice pinnately compound leaves, whereas Caesalpinoideae and Faboideae mostly have once pinnately compound leaves.
In most classifications Fabaceae is treated as one family. It is one of the biggest families with about 20000 species.
In the Plant theory Mimosoideae, Ceasalpinoideaea and Faboideae will be treated separately. Mimosoideae is placed in Subphase 3.
Central to them is the idea that there is more to life than work. They feel as if they are living for work but they would like to work to live. They can work very hard and they often do so for a long time. But in the end it should result in relaxation, in enjoying life. They want to do a lot for their family, friends and the community to make everybody happy. But there should be an end to it, it should have results.
They are often too timid to understand what is going on. They have a lack of self-assurance to be able to say what they need. Their pleasing nature makes them adapt and give of themselves even more.
Delusion: body parts are enlarged.
Weather: > warm bath; < draught.
Physical: < motion; > bandage; > massage.
Energy: exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome.
Nervous: paralysis.
Vertigo: dizzy.
Eyes: strabismus.
Stomach: belching.
Abdomen: bloated, gas, rumbling, flatulence.
Female: pain, sore, breasts, nipples.
Limbs: arthritis, knee, ankle; feet; gout.