Homeopathy has a strange place in in our society. It is cherished and discarded; it is seen as empty and full of possibility. On the internet the two most disputed themes in general over the world are homeopathy and Christ. In this sense homeopathy is in good company.
Homeopathy has a lot to offer to medicine and society in general. It brings back the wonder, the wonder of life in a world where humans are seen and treated by doctors as soulless bodies, machines needing to be repaired. Homeopathy brings back the admiration for nature, for the self healing power in life. Homeopathy brings back into medicine the wonder of cure.

Qjure - how it works
Qjure.com is a website, an encyclopedia for homeopathy. Qjure is open for everyone. It can be used by patients to look up the remedies prescribed for them. In the search field one can put the name of a remedy and Qjure will show a list of remedies. Or one can search for a symptom and a list of entries are shown containing the searched word. One can click on one item in the list and the full text shown under the menu Remedies. For instance one can search for obesity and a list of remedies with texts is shown. One can click for instance on “Alonsoa meridionalis” and then that remedy is shown.
Geranium maculatum
A remedy of Geraniaceae Remedy code: 3-653.14.13 A woman 30 years old with premenstrual syndrome. She has severe bleeding during menses, the blood is bright red and she has severe pain in the abdomen. She describes this pain as contraction, which is improved by heat...
Pelargonium odoratissimum
A remedy of Pelargonioideae Remedy code: 3-653.15.07 Woman, 60, Benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis (BRIC), twelve times for the last 39 y, the episodes are lasting each time several month. Itching in the night, from high bilirubine. Weak, very weak, feeling of...
Erodium trifolium
A remedy of Erodioideae Remedy code: 3-653.16.10 Woman, 60, stomatitis. This woman has mouth problems for years. How tongue is numb, her lips and mouth are dry and have blisters. That pains are worse from spicy food and in called dry weather in the winter. It was...