Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.62.00 Rhamnaceae
English: Buckthorn family.
French: Rhamnacees.
Botany: 50-60 genera; ± 900 species; stamens single whorl; fruit drupaceous; petals concave, enclosing anther; stamens opposite, adnate to petals; worldwide; simple leaves; stipules.
Use: ornamental; dyes, brilliant green, yellow, red, blue; gunpowder.
DD: Phase 6, Sulphur, Oxygen; Magnesium; Iron series; Anacardiaceae.
Rhamnaceae is the second diverging lineage of the Rosales in the Apg3 classification.
In the Plant theory Rhamnaceae in Subphase 2. Rhamnaceae have a strong quality of Magnesium. Elaeagnaceae, Oleaster or Russian olive family, is include in the Rhamnaceae in the Plant theory.
Relationships between people are disturbed by violence, domination and egoism. They have the idea that people are principally bad and they cannot be trusted. The love aspect is hidden under problems and neurotic aspects of people.
This often is the result of a youth where there were many quarrels, fights, beatings by parents, screaming and yelling. The family stayed together because underneath there is still love, but the love is difficult to see. There is little attention and care, little love and warmth shown. And when it is present it easily gets ridiculed, labelled as weak and soft. So they get the idea that everyone has to fight for his own place, his job and money. In society this idea is put forward as the survival of the fittest, the world as a jungle where everyone fights for himself against the rest.
The world is experienced as hard, without love. They have to survive in harsh conditions, being punished and beaten by parents, bullied and nagged by siblings.
Love is disrupted by violence, egotism; the feeling is that love is pushed under the carpet or has gone away.
Idea of the survival of the fittest, that one has to be on guard, to stand up for oneself, take one’s place.
Fighting between couples, husband and wife, parents and children, brothers and sisters.
Love hidden.
Feeling that he must atone for his sins to regain serenity.
Not sharing, suspicious.
Fear: poverty, starvation; abused.
Sensation: blocked, obstruction, not flowing, plug.
Abdomen: full, bloated; obstructed, food feels undigested; pain cramping, upper abdomen; problems with spleen, pancreas and liver.