Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.65.14 Chamaelirium luteum, Helonias dioica
English: Unicorn-root; False unicorn; Devil's bit; Blazing star; Star grass; Blazing grass.
DD: Agrimonia, Aletris; Kalium carnbonicum, Lilium tigrinum; Puls; Senecio; Stannum, Conium, Lac caninum, Lyssinum.
The worn out feeling is a good expression of Stage 14. They feel empty, having given everything.
There is the being conscious of their womb. This is a general expression of the Monocotyls, they are very much into their womb, their pelvis the chakra of the Carbon series. Typically they are only conscious of it, not doing anything about it, which is typical of Stage 14.
A strong element is the feeling of being empty, worn out, Stage 14. They can feel like that after many pregnancies and labours. They had an image of being a great woman and then it turns out that they are just breeding machines.
Worn out by sex, pregnancies, labour, children, nursing, household.
Delusion: sex and children is obligatory, a religious duty.
Delusion: partner is asking too much from her, convictions are asking to much from her.
Company aversion; aversion talking, talked to, comforted; wants being alone, without family, husband and children.
Strong ideas: breast feeding, labour in crouching position.
Ambitious, desire to be the best, having high place in society.
Aggressive mania for duties, working on the nerves of husband.
Worn out, weak, tired, < hard work, < working for children, < many children, labours, < over asking partner, as a protest, lazy.
Irritable, anger, fault finding, < least contradiction, < least suggestion; censorious; slander, about doctors.
Delusion: husband only big in bed, not in work.
Indolence < mental, reading, thinking.
Patient is better when kept busy, with mind engaged, when doing something, > mental diversion, > attention, of the doctor.
Women wilted, depressed, sophisticated, who constantly complains to her husband and children and does not even have the energy to talk or get excited about anything because her head is absolutely 'empty’ but who, as soon as a friend visits, can talk and gossip for hours without a trace of fatigue.
Enervated by indolence and luxury.
Fear: disease.
Sex desire low, frigidity.
Restless, must be continually moving about.
Profound melancholy; deep, gloom, mental depression.
Dreams unsuccessful efforts to do various things, examination.
Excluded from happiness.
Delusion everyone is happy, except them; < seeing happy people.
Colour preference: white, 5E, 20-22C.
Sensation: full, heavy, congestion; sore, aching, burning; squeezed, excluded, weak, atony.
Sensation: band, benumbing, broken, compressing, sore, wedge.
Weather: < cold, < open air; < undressing, < uncovering; flushes of heat, < motion; hot, when tired.
Time: < 5 am.
Desire: chocolate; drinks, thirsty.
Aversion: food.
Sleep: sleepless.
Physical: < stooping; pressure of clothes; > exertion, < motion, < touch, > working, > busy, > holding abdomen; < riding car.
General: diabetes mellitus and insipidus: first stages; urine profuse, clear saccharine; lips dry, stick together; great thirst; restlessness; emaciation; irritable and melancholy.
Energy: weak, tired, languor, drowsy, > exercising; debility < menopause; anaemia.
Vertigo: nervous, > lying, on right side.
Head: headache, bursting, sensation top is ripped off, < stooping, rising quick, < coition, < mental, reading, thinking.
Head: burning top; headache, > mental exertion, < stooping, < getting cold, < before menses; heat, upward pressure, vertex.
Mouth: aphthae; salivation < pregnancy.
Lungs: cough, profuse expectoration, with expulsion of urine.
Chest: squeezing; breasts swollen painful; tender nipples.
Stomach: belching, fullness, cramp, painful congestion.
Urinary: urine profuse, clear, with albumen < pregnancy, phosphate, saccharine; kidneys dull ache, heat, congested, < menses, feel like bags of hot water.
Male: sexual desire and power increased; impotence.
Female: !; menses too frequent, too profuse, suppressed; vulva hot, red, swollen, burn, itch terribly; leucorrhoea; uterus heavy, dragging, sore, tender, ulcerated, retroflexed, prolapsed, consciousness of womb, < motion; polyps; haemorrhage, dark, foul blood; atony; leucorrhoea foul, lumpy, curdled; vulva inflamed, itching, aphthous; menses too early, too profuse, passive, dark, clotted, offensive; <<< pregnancy, labour, nursing, abortions and miscarriages, menopause; sterility, infertility.
Back: pain aching, boring, burning, dragging, heavy, tired, weak, lumbar, kidneys, extending down legs, < miscarriage; aching between scapulae; sore pain in outer side of thighs; feels cool wind streamed up calves of legs.
Limbs: sensation as if a cool wind streamed up calves of legs; feet numb, < sitting.
Skin: herpetic eruptions.