Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
654.14.09 Syzygium jambos
Names: Eugenia jambos; Jambosa vulgaris; Myrtus jambos.
Names: Eugene de Savoy; eu= good, genus = generation.
English: jambos; Rose apple; Malabar plum; Plum rose; Wax apple.
French: Pomme rose; Jambul.
Content: tannins, ellagitannins; pentacyclic triterpenes.
Endless uncertainties, does not know what to choose.
Delusions: beautiful, wonderful: things look, > urination.
Delusions: objects enlarged.
Delusions: wrong, everything is.
Mind: confusion, dullness, stupefaction, < afternoon sleep.
Cheerfulness, gaiety, happiness, excitable, exhilaration, mirth, hilarity, lightness, giggling, liveliness, loquacity; alternating with moroseness.
Company: <-.
Work: <-, forgetful; - > hide away and sleep.
Work: desire for mental.
Reflecting, meditation.
Restless, - > rest.
Talkative, loquacity.
Lazy, indolent, aversion to household duties.
Delusions: beautiful, wonderful; objects enlarged; wrong, everything is.
Confusion, dullness, stupefaction, < siesta sleep.
Dreams: confused.
Weather: < cold; prickly heat in upper part of the body.
Desire: tobacco, meat, coffee; drinks, great thirst.
Aversion: red beet.
Food: < milk, < coffee.
Physical: >> urination.
General: diabetes mellitus, blood sugar low or high, glycosuria; great thirst, weakness, emaciation.
Head: headache as if a board were lying on right side.
Eyes: burning; hot lachrymation.
Stomach: nausea, > smoking.
Abdomen: full, cramp.
Urinary: urine copious, specific gravity high; kidney problems.
Male: epididymitis.
Limbs: cramp soles of feet, < night.
Back: pain.
Skin: old ulcers; small red pimples itch violently; cracks, fissures between toes; recedes from the nails, forming pus; acne, simple, indurated; acne rosacea; comedones.