Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
655.44.00 Sapindaceae
English: Soap berry family.
Including: Aceraceae, Hippocastanaceae.
Botany: ± 140 genera: ± 1700 species; mainly tropical; need manganese; ovules sessile; embryo curved; filaments pubescent or papillose; stamens 8 or fewer; petals appendaged.
Content: cyclopropane amino acids.
DD: Carbon, Silicon; Oxygen, Sulphur, Silver series.
Sapindaceae is one of the main Families in the Sapindales in the Apg3 classification.
In the Plant theory Sapindaceae is placed in Subphase 4.
They feel stable, in a situation with family and society that is safe and reliable. The negative side can be that the rules become too rigid and fixed. The hierarchy is set forever and there are no escapes. The rules of society and religion are strict and immovable. Everyone knows his place. But there is no possibility for change and development. One has to hold oneself in, hold on to the fixed rules. It brings comfort and safety but also limitation and rigidity.
In art and science it is as if everything has been invented and is fixed and stable. There is no need for change as the best art has been done already. It is like classical music played forever the same, lacking inspiration and sprak. It is like Newtonian mechanics, setting the world in motion like a clock. Everything is predictable once the initial conditions are known.
It is like religions in the height of their power and development, leaving no room for change or for minorities like women to get a better social position. It is like the caste system in India, fixed and forever, even when abolished officially.
Strong, solid, fixed, sturdy, firm, grounded.
Hierarchy strong, fixed, inflexible.
Culture, art, science, religion are fixed, inflexible.
Intellectual, in their head, mind and body separated.
Ungrounded, light, floating, vertigo.
Need of protection by one’s big brother.
Feels a prisoner, of prejudices, himself.
Feeling of being manipulated, made dirty.
Longing for better times, surroundings.
Melancholy, self-depreciation.
Dull, forgetful, indifference.
Insulting, cruelty.
Sensation: held back; acrid, congestion, full, lancinating.
Localisation: stomach, liver, rectum, spine, back.
Desire: coffee, spices, sweets.
Physical: > motion.
Chest: feels open.
Abdomen: liver portal stasis.
Rectum: haemorrhoids, piles, painful, congested.
Skin: eruptions; blister, vesicle, bulla, herpes.