Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
0.7.5 Series 5. The Silver series
The world seen as my country, city, culture, knowledge versus the rest of the world.
Ideas Art.
The theme that belongs to this level is art but there are many other themes linked to this series that might at first sight have little to do with art: advising other people, mysticism, being a spokesman. The central theme is the passing on of ideas and images. This can be done through paintings and sculptures, through poetry, theatre, music, through speeches or through channelled information from other spheres.
Middle age.
This level is usually developed in middle age but the theme can be present at any age, often even in childhood.
Region County Province.
The area is that of the province. The governor of the county is a representative of the king, ruling over a small area. A large town is usually the centre of such an area. It should be noted that we have now reached a level where it is no longer possible to know everybody. This is reflected in the case of the artist who is greeted in the street by many people he has never even seen before.
They feel part of a culture, a country, with a typical language and religion. People inside this culture are seen as belonging to them and should be protected. People from another culture, country or religion and with a strange language are seen as threatening, as dangerous barbarians that may readily be killed.
Voice Hearing.
Speech and hearing are two specific physical themes that belong to the Silver series. We use speech to get our ideas across to others, we use our ears to receive the ideas.
Performance Show.
They have to hold up an image, especially with strangers and public. They want to present themselves as perfect and have to control their appearance and behaviour. This can make consultations difficult, as they can keep their bad and ugly sides hidden so that the precriber can be confused. It can be hard to understand their problem. They have an aversion to being on video during the consultation.
Interesting, special, unique, famous, admired.
Place, position in a culture, country.
Creativity, arts, sciences, university, theatre; thoughts.
Culture; religion, church
City, province, country.
Beauty, aesthetics; wonder, special, unique; admiration.
Communication, communicator: spokesman; public relations, commercials; middle manager, governor; queen.
Sense of hearing.
Nerves; throat, voice; lungs; genital organs.
Nervous: neuralgia, sciatica; repetitive injury syndrome; tingling, pricking, numbness, pain; hernia of neck, lower vertebrae; carpal tunnel syndrome.
Age: middle age; 40-60; mid-life crisis.