Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and the Elements
3.1.5 Natrium arsenicosum
This remedy is not very well known yet.
Natrium Arsenicosum
Impulsive relationships Redundancy
Changing contacts Bailiff
Vulnerable Thieves
Lack of perseverance Avarice Poverty
Withdrawing Precise
Alone Lonely Alone
Closed silent Restless
Impulsive in making contacts otherwise it is too late.
Impulsively holding on to relations for fear of being alone.
Vulnerable and precise.
Alone like a thief in the night.
Fear of being alone after dissolution.
Silently fearful of making mistakes.
Fear of loneliness and poverty.
Picture of Natrium arsenicosum
Essence: fear of being alone after a loss.
Impulsive in making contact otherwise it is too late
They feel they have to make contact otherwise things will go wrong. There is always some threat hanging over them, either bankruptcy or disease or death. They have to try and avoid this by constantly staying in touch with the other person.
It may be a case where the father or the husband is in danger of neglecting the family business. By constantly pointing out his responsibilities to him they try to make him aware of the situation and make him feel less alone. They like to make it clear that they are there for the other person, but at the same time they want it be known that they don’t want to be left to their own resources either.
Another situation would be that of a person whose parent is no longer able to cope and threatens to commit suicide. That threat is always in the air and all the person can do is to stay in touch with the parent all the time in order to avert disaster. They can’t afford to make a mistake, otherwise the outcome will be disastrous.
Vulnerable and precise
They are very vulnerable and very fastidious. They don’t want to show this vulnerability and try and keep up a front of responsibility and fastidiousness.
Fear of loneliness and poverty
They are very afraid of being left on their own without any money. So they are afraid of anything that might possibly cause such a situation. This means that they keep a constant check on everything and everybody and they get extremely restless when something threatens to go wrong.
Fear: disease, health, cancer, heart disease, death, alone (3), others, thieves (3!), burglars, poison, murder, expectations, failure, criticism, contradiction, being looked at, anticipation, constriction, loss of relations, future, people; easily frightened, < unexpected events.
Dreams: futile efforts, paralysis, robbers, thieves; carrying a child on the beach and suddenly being surrounded by water.
Delusions: death, falling, thieves, mistakes, neglected his duty, crime.
Irritability: < mistakes, < contradiction, < insult.
Mood: complaining, gloomy, crying.
Causes: loss of job, loss of money, burglary.
Type: brown hair, thin.
Locality: right.
Weather: cold (3), cold feet, > heat (3), > sun, sea.
Time: < 1 and 11 am; periodical.
Desires: sweet, sour, vinegar, fruit, lemon, refreshing, mustard, spices, milk, coffee, warm food, fat, salt, fish, starch; drinks small sips.
Aversion: fat, meat, fish, starch, salt.
Food: < melon, sour, fruit, strawberries, ice-cream, milk, starch, alcohol, spoilt food.
Sleep: restless, sleeplessness; sleeps on back with hands under head.
Physical: < lying on left side, < pressure, < smoke.
Weakness, emaciation.
Pains are burning, > heat (3).
Cancer, Leukemia, Sepsis.
Headache, feeling as of a band, left sided, radiating to eye and ear, < stooping, < lying down, < sun. Vertigo.
Pain in eye < light.
Colds; hayfever; watery, acrid discharge; sneezing.
Asthma. Anaemia (3).
Stomach complaints. Nausea and vomiting small quantities. Diabetes.
Diarrhoea in small quantities, frequent, foul odour, with stomach cramps; cholera.
Kidney problems. Oedema.
Eczema, red, flaking, dry; psoriasis; thick skin on palms of hands and soles of feet; hair loss; problems with nails.
DD Silicon series, Iron series, Stages 1 and 15.