William Boericke
Natrium arsenicosumn
Natrium arsenicosum
A remedy for nasal catarrh, with headache, pain at root of nose, dry and painful eyes. Psoriasis (Ars; Chrysoph ac; Thyroid). Bronchitis of children over seven years. Facilitates the termination of the cold and conserves strength and appetite (Cartier).
Head: Floating sensation on turning head quickly; aching in frontal region and root of nose, over orbits. Headache; worse pressure and tobacco smoke.
Nose: Watery discharge; drops into throat. Feels stopped; pain at root. Dry crusts, on removal, leave mucous membrane raw. Post-nasal dropping of thick, bland, yellowish mucus. Crusts in nose.
Ears: Catarrhal conjunctivitis and blepharitis marginalis. Eyes feel weak, stiffness of balls and tendency of lids to close. Feel heavy and droop. Lachrymation in wind. Agglutination in morning. Dry, painful, burning; soon tire. Oedema of orbital region. Supraorbital pain.
Throat: Dark, purplish, swollen, oedematous; red and glassy.
Respiratory: Racking cough, with profuse greenish expectoration. Oppression of chest and about heart, and also larynx. Miner's asthma. Lungs feel as though smoke had been inhaled.
Extremities: Aching in arms; worse in shoulder. Pain in anterior crural nerves. Joints stiff. Feels tired all over. Knee-joints crack.