Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.74.05 Ferula moschata, Sumbul
Names: Eurangium sumbul; Sumbulus moschatus, Ferula sumbul.
English: Musk-root; Sumbul.
German: Echte; Persische Sambulwurzel.
Dutch: Muskuswortel.
Source: Wadstories 2, Huib Wijtinga; Paul Labrèche; Martin Jakob, Interhomeopathy, December 2011.
Emotional and fidgety; weeps and laughs by turns.
Shy, not confident.
Mistakes: writing, adding.
Hysteria, idiotic expression.
Early senility.
Nervousness, spasms.
Sexual excitability.
Worse thinking of symptoms.
Loquacity, changing subjects fast.
Shocked, alone, not weeping, < family assaulted, caring for brother and father.
Alert, checking doors and locks, thinking out all possibilities.
Hobby: dance, karate, kiting.
Animals: loves them.
Fear: insanity; dark; being made a beggar, hand cut off.
Dreams: amorous; coition; disease, personal; dying people; falling from high places; injuries.
Sensation: numb, hot water flowing.
Localisation: left.
Weather: > warmth, < cold; flushes << menopause.
Time: < 7 pm, < morning.
Sleep: sleepless; somnambulism.
Physical: < motion, < active exercise, > gentle motion, < after sitting.
Discharge: tenacious, yellow mucus.
Nervous: epilepsy; neuralgia; spasm, chorea, constant jerking, head, limbs, + protrusion tongue; numbness << cold.
Vertigo: faint, < trifles, < music, < stool, < wine.
Head: migraine, shooting, hammering, cracking, > lying, < sleep, without aura; dull, << morning.
Face: idiotic, neuralgia; cobweb, hair; neuralgia.
Nose: tenacious yellow mucus; comedones; catarrh, picking nose.
Mouth: tongue: rough, as if scraped.
Throat: lump, tenacious mucus; choking, spasm, constriction, constant swallowing, hysterical.
Lungs: asthma, << any exertion, > sea; cardiac, hysterical; pneumonia; cough, < talking.
Heart: beating, as if in water; palpitations, nervous, hysterical, < menopause, < least exertion, < thinking of it; high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis; pulse irregular.
Chest: oppressed, tightness, as if clogged; breasts swollen, neuralgia, left; pulling like a string, right; milk copious, scanty.
Stomach: burning waterbrash, belching.
Abdomen: pain, full, distended, bloated, drum-like.
Rectum: constipation, diarrhoea, typhus, ascaris.
Urinary: urine oily, with pellicle.
Male: spermatorrhoea, << dreams.
Female: ovarian neuralgia; uterus: pain, screwing, left.
Back: trickling along spine.
Limbs: arm, ache, heavy, numb, weary.
Skin: pale, cold, internal itching; acne.