Ulrich Welte
Editorial December '06
by Ulrich Welte
The stages are universal
The process of coming into existence, growth, maturity and decline can be divided into a various number of steps. The periodic table distinguishes between 2 and 18 stages depending on the complexity of the series. In the very simple hydrogen series, 2 stages are enough to comprise a whole series – to be or not to be, yes or no. In the state of the Carbon and Silica series there are 8 stages. Then follows the full unfolding of 18 stages in the Iron and Silver series. The Gold series is getting even more complex and splits up into two parallel strands; one of them is the subseries of Lanthanides. But the number of stages remains 18 for both strands.
The periodic table is a natural system of elements, which proved to be true in many respects: chemically, physically and mathematically. It is but natural that such a universal system will reflect in all spheres of life. Series and stages are not only for minerals; they can be found in all forms of life. If we take a plant family, the theme of the family can be compared to a series and the different species to stages. Whether one takes a division of 8 or 18 stages is just a matter of precision, perhaps depending on the complexity of the family. For example the family of fabaceae or leguminosae share many features with the Iron series. One may think of dividing them into 18 stages, because this is the number of stages of the Iron series. Sankaran’s “periodic system of plants” expresses a similar classification with 10 steps, which he calls miasms. In fact his miasms show many parallels with the stages, and it is quite clear that both systems basically represent the same: the natural steps of a process of growth, summit and decay; hope, success and despair. Sankaran’s approach is more clinical and defines the steps via typical disease reactions, which he calls “miasms”. This classification system was initiated by Hahnemann, who distinguished 3 steps; psora, sycosis and syphilis. Sankaran has raised their number up to 10, but he said in a seminar that he would expect more miasms to fill the gaps in his system. Polio would be a good candidate. The symptoms of this infectious disease are clearly an expression of stage 14. So the polio miasm fills a gap between cancer and tubercular.
An animal remedy group is highlighted in this December issue: the milk remedies. Their common themes can be compared with the “series” in minerals or with the “themes/sensation of a botanical family” in plants. We have used the stages instead of miasms, as this term is strange to non-homeopaths, and even in homeopathic circles it seems rather unclear what a miasm really is. The classification into stages was done by provings and cases. It has been useful in prescribing good remedies. We have chosen 18 stages for the sake of precision. The cases in this issue show that Lac-del is stage 7, Lac-leo is stage 10, and Lac suilin is stage 17.
Ulrich Welte
Kandern - Germany
To distinguish a Bee from a Mammal remedy you can enjoy the Busy-Bizzy case.
Melanie Grimes wrote some interesting articles, some of them will be published in the next editions.
With the mentioning of a Raccoon in the last case, you will see that animal remedies do not always give the solution.
This first year of Interhomeopathy we want to end by wishing you a nice Christmas time and a very Happy New Year.
Anne Wirtz
Keywords: editorial, periodic table, stages, milk remedies