Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
664.67.12 Chimaphila umbellata
English: Prince's Pine, Pipsissewa, Ground Holly.
Chimaphila has a connection with the presentator of a television program called “Glamourland”. This connection became only understandable when Chimaphila was shown to be related to the parasitic Monotropoideae. It shows the Phase 7, Fluorine feature.
Motto “not talking, working”.
Hobby: bicycling, mind on zero, vision fixed in the distance.
Profession: offshore worker.
Aversion to household duties.
Very nervous, cannot bear anything at all; hot, irritable, restless; thinks diseased state of the blood irritates the skin, as before the eruption of erysipelas, scarlet fever or measles; itching terribly.
Becomes partially unconscious, feels like fainting, as if brain paralysed, mind gone.
Seems to run all though the blood as a stimulant.
Stupid and sleepy.
Simple, quiet.
Sex with spouse low, desire for another love but that's impossible.
Sensation of guilt, discontent with what one has.
Colour preference: 16E.
Sensation: scalded, wedge.
Weather: chilly, < cold; < damp, < washing in cold water; < sitting on a cold, wet stone.
Time: < 3 am.
Desire: beer, alcohol; thirst, food.
Food: > cold drinks; < alcoholism.
Sleep: drowsy, with very weak feeling in head.
Physical: > walking; < light.
General: glandular enlargements: lymphatic and mesenteric glands and female breasts.
Fever: chill seems all over, flesh quivers.
Nervous: coma, uremic; inward trembling without mental disturbance.
General: cancer: prostate, mamma.
Head: dizziness in the head.
Eyes: iritis, Reiter syndrome; pterygium; cataracts, opacity of lens; vision colours, halo of colours around light; burn; lids sore.
Face: flushing cheeks.
Mouth: toothache, < eating, < exertion, > cold water; jaws feel stiff, sleeps with mouth open; palate sore, < warm drink or food, rawness of upper and back part of palate.
Throat: swollen tonsils.
Heart: endocarditis; accelerated pulse.
Chest: pleurisy.
Abdomen: inflammation of liver, ascites, enlarged mesenteric glands; sharp pain in right hypochondrium; colic.
Rectum: constipation; haemorrhoids, haemorrhages; shooting pain, deep-seated, left side of anus.
Urinary: cystitis; urethritis; gonorrhoea; nephritis, glomerulonephritis; pain, burning, urethra, neck, < urge; urination dribbling, frequent, less, difficult >> standing !; urine retention; dropsy.
Eyes: bloody, green, pale, red, yellow, profuse, scanty, sediment, stones, sand, uric acid diathesis, stones; urge constant; haemorrhages.
Male: prostatitis; prostate enlarged, cancer; loss of prostatic fluid; gonorrhoea; pressing downward, of a ball in perineum !; testicle pain, bruised, shriveled, atrophy; fluttering kidneys.
Female: leucorrhoea; haemorrhages; gonorrhoea; infantilismus of genitals; uterus retroversion, prolapse; breasts inflammation, tumour, cancer, sharp pain, not ulcerated, undue secretion of milk; milk increased, too profuse; suppressed, non-pregnant women; aching in vagina, as if labia inflamed.
Back: fluttering, small of back, kidneys; neck were too small and tired.
Limbs: athritis acute; oedema arm, lymph; full, as if distended.
Skin: inflammation, intolerable itching; desquamation; erysipelas; blister; ringworm.