Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
642.13.13 Actaea racemosa, Cimicifuga
Names: Cimicifuga racemosa, serpentaria, Macrotys racemosa, actaeoides, Actea monogynia.
English: Black Snakeroot; Bugbane; Deerweed; Rattleroot; Rattlesnake Root; Rattleweed; Squawroot; Cimicifuga; Black Cohosh.
French: Actée des grappes.
German: Langtraubiges Christophskraut, Nordamerikanische Schlangenwurzel, Trauben-Silberkerze.
They fear that when they make a choice for their own good, they will be left alone, so they are in conflict with themselves, not knowing what to choose. The situation they are in is unpleasant, like in a marriage where there is no love anymore. But the idea of leaving the husband produces all kinds of anxieties about how to survive alone in the threatening world, so they often stay in a situation that they do not like at all. There they feel caught, as if bound by wires. Their mood becomes depressed and dark, with the well-known symptom as if a dark cloud surrounds them.
This situation can also occur during pregnancy. They feel imprisoned by their child, they cannot divorce.
Hating the limitations as a woman.
Ailments from disappointed love.
Depressed, sad, as if heavy clouds enveloped her.
Fear: death; insanity; poisoned; murdered.
Symptoms and emotions are changeable, alternating, inconstant.
Fear: being dependent, of husband, parents.
Delusion: encaged in wires, bound to their family.
Mania, depression, < pregnancy, < after labour, < puberty, < menopause, < marriage problems.
Dreams: anxious, frightful, suffering, troubles, unpleasant; falling, from high places; in trouble; accidents, evil; animals, mice; black people; vexatious; body parts, limbs, broken.
Delusion: a mouse running under her chair.
Sensation: shooting; sharp, lancinating, electric-like
Weather: < draught; < cold.
Sleep: sleepless, < pregnancy.
Physical: < menses.
Nervous: spasm, epilepsy, convulsions, shivers, chorea, hysterical, hysteria or mania, < menses, < pregnancy; chorea < left side.
Head: headache, < cold air.
Eyes: neuralgia; pain, aching, sharp, darting, shooting, extending to temples, vertex, occiput, < going up stairs, > lying down.
Heart: troubles, < menses; action ceases suddenly; impending suffocation; palpitation, < least motion.
Chest: left-sided infra-mammary pains.
Stomach: nausea, < pregnancy.
Abdomen: auto-immune hepatitis; jaundice; colitis.
Female: menses irregular, exhausting, painful, delayed, suppressed, < mental emotion, < cold, < fever; pain uterus, darting, from side to side; false labour-like pains; sharp pains across abdomen; abortion at third month; lochia suppressed, < excitement; from nervous excitement; rigid cervix; pains severe, spasmodic, tedious, < by least noise; after-pains, worse in the groins; rheumatic dysmenorrhoea.
Back: rheumatic pains in muscles of neck and back; stiff, lame, contracted; spine sensitive, < sewing, type writing, piano playing.
Limbs: fibromyalgia; muscular soreness, < dancing, skating, < violent muscular exertion; rheumatism, bellies of the muscles; pains stitching, cramping.