Jan Scholten
Silver series
Theme: creativity, inspiration, ideas, culture, art, science.
Theme: elite, upper class, top, social classes, special, unique, middle manager, governor.
Theme: public relation, spokesman, advertisement, public relations.
Theme: arrogance, special, admiration.
Identification with the culture
The main identification in the Silver series is with the culture, the country with their language and religion. The culture they live in is seen as part of them, or they are part of that culture. The people outside of the culture are easily seen as strange, foolish, dangerous, or even as enemies. It can easily lead to a clash of cultures and in the most extreme form, a war.
Creativity Inspiration
The central theme of the Silver series is creativity. They want to create beautiful things and thus make a valuable contribution to the general culture. They search for inspiration in dreams and fantasies, in stories, fairly tales and myths. They are extremely imaginative. Their complaints usually start when they can’t express their creativity.
Ideas Culture
Ideas is a keyword of the Silver series. They like images and pictures, ideas produced by the mind to investigate and develop. They search for knowledge, wisdom and inspiration and want to find out how the world fits together. They like to contribute to their culture and enjoy looking for ideological solutions, both in politics and in religion.
They can lose themselves in ideas, theories and fantasies. They can become too theoretical and forget reality. This can become worse when they want to hide behind them and keep the real problems in. They can tell lengthy stories about allergies, people who bad things to them. They have a tendency to project their problems onto situations and persons outside of them.
Unique Special
They are always looking for that which is special and different. Finding the uniqueness in everything is a special talent of the Silver series. This is why they hate routine jobs such as housework. Or, as an actor once put it: ‘Experience is of little use to an actor’.
Admiration Wonder
They look at the world with wonder, they recognise the wonder of Creation. This wonder turns to admiration and it gives them a positive and lively outlook on the world in general.
But they also like to receive the same kind of admiration. They like to feel they are a unique human being and they want to be admired for this. The lesson that the Silver series has to learn in life is that everybody in this world is unique and wonderful.
Aesthetics: beautiful and ugly
They tend to divide everything into either beautiful or ugly. Aesthetics is the central theme. Of course this is an essential theme in art, but we’ll see that it also plays an important role in science.
Art Artist
Art and creativity are almost synonyms. We find the theme of creation, inspiration, admiration and aesthetics in all sorts of art: acting, painting, dancing, directing, writing, music, singing, composing, sculpting etc.
These artists use their ideas, images and words to inspire and to be inspired. Or to portray emotions, as through music.
Science Lecturer Doctor
Science is a particular form of art. The scientist searches for that which is special and different to test his theories, to adapt them or even to throw them out.
Art and Science are very similar in their use of creativity, in developing new images and ideas and in presenting these to the public. The ideas used in science are usually rather more rational while the ideas used in art tend to be more emotional. Many scientist are very attracted to different forms of art.
The doctor, and particularly the doctor who practices the art of cure also belongs to this group. Medicine itself belongs to the Iron series, as far as the pragmatic routines are concerned. But the art of cure belongs to the Silver series, where the emphasis is on finding that which is different and unique, so that a unique and special solution can be created.
Shaman Mystic Priest
The next group belonging to this series are the people who find inspiration in the inner spiritual world. The people who find their truths, images and ideas in mysticism are the shamans, prophets and priests. They are mediators between God and the people. They are interested in paranormal activities such as clairvoyance, palmistry, astrology, telepathy etc. Many artists and scientist such as Jung, Einstein and Heisenberg were deeply interested in mysticism.
We could make a comparison with certain ancient tribes who have a king as head of the community, corresponding to the Gold series, and a medicine man or shaman, corresponding to the Silver series. The function of medicine man was often combined with that of priest, doctor, scientist, artist, musician, singer and actor.
Display Performance Presentation Portrayal
Another aspect of the theme is portrayal. They want to get their ideas and images across to other people, to show their creations, to perform. They want to know how things work and they want to transfer wisdom to others. This may be done through words, pictures, music or any other way. They want to show how special and unique this world really is and how we can find inspiration in everything around us. They like to mesmerise the public.
Artists, scientists and priests all try to inspire other people through their performance, each in their different ways. They are like a teacher or guru, trying to bring beauty and wisdom into the world. The aspect of performance and show is prominent
The performance can go two ways. On the one side there is the exaggerated presentation, the artificial side of pure show. This makes a performance rather unreal, an empty show without content. The remedies that have this aspect tend to show a bright facade, but give you the feeling that they are hiding something, that all is not as bright as it seems. During the consultation they will hold back certain information, the real problems are kept back, from fear of failure.
On the other side we may see a huge fear of letting others see what should be shown.
There is an enormous fear of failure, of being a flop, of being a let down. Speaking in public or acting in a play will be accompanied by terrible anticipatory fears, as is well known in Argentum nitricum. Large groups of people can provoke two reactions in the remedies of this series. On the one hand they enjoy other peoples’ company and they like to show off, on the other hand they get very afraid to show themselves. This is particularly striking in Palladium: ‘exhilaration; company, in’, fancies; exaltation of in company’ (Complete, Zandvoort, 1994)
Minister Representative Spokesman
Performance is the key issue for ministers and spokesmen. They have to put the decisions of the king or the leader into words and put it across to the general public. They are the representatives of the person who in power, they are the messengers, the public relations man or woman. These are usually people who are very good at keeping up a facade, not likely to be drawn out into personal arguments. Their role is that of the tactful mediator.
The words representative and spokesman already contain the essence of this series, i.e. speaking and presenting. Speech and language are key themes and will be further discussed under the heading of voice problems.
Influence Power Control
In the Silver series we see the aspect of power expressed as influence on other people. They don’t particularly want to do or make something for themselves, as in the Iron series, nor do they want to exert real power, as in the Gold series, they simply want to influence other people with their ideas. They like to show other people how things fit together, where the problems come from. This way they try to exert their influence, to make others realise what they are doing so they can mend their ways. Their power is a sort of secondary power, derived from insight and realisation.
Sometimes they find themselves caught between two fire, a representative between the king and the officials, between public and mecenas, between the leader and the masses. Their self control is as strong as it is in all the other metals, so is their desire for perfection.
Queen Female
The Silver series has a royal air to it, they have risen above the ordinary. In this aspect they are quite similar to the Gold series, but in the Gold series the theme of royalty and power is even stronger. The queen is a symbol of power next to, but just below the king. The Silver series is more feminine as a whole, whilst the Gold series is more masculine.
The relationship between the artist and the mecenas is also quite typical. The mecenas is a king, a figure of power, a person who provides money and who places orders with the artist or buys his work. It corresponds with the relationship between the minister and his king, between the Silver series and the Gold series. The mecenas also has a relationship to the sciences. In our present days the mecenas is usually ‘the government’.
Ambition Pride Airs and Graces
The artist, the scientist or the queen has risen above the masses. They tend to get certain airs and graces, become a little bit haughty and stick their nose up at other people. Their image has gone to their head and they behave as if they are above it all. They don’t like to show what is going on inside them, ‘you wouldn’t understand anyway’. There is a reluctance to have their case recorded on video, because the public would probably recognise them. They are rather ambitious and like to receive compliments. They love to be admired for their talent and they enjoy showing what they have created. Their ambition can only be appeased when they are the best. One could say that they have ceased portraying ideas and thoughts and have started to project these ideas onto themselves.
Hurt Humiliation
They are extremely sensitive to criticism and humiliations. They try to stay ahead of criticism by being perfectionists in everything they do. They may also hurt others in order to look better themselves.
They are afraid of failing and falling. This is expressed in their dreams of high buildings or falling from high places. The fear of heights is an expression of their fear to shine brightly at the top.
They can’t enjoy their talent and their creativity out of fear of becoming too proud. Others often tell them they are wasting their talents, as if they are treating their qualities with disdain. But they are afraid of performing or showing themselves to a large public out of fear that something will go wrong and they will be called a failure. This aspect is more prominent in the first few stages of the series.
They can also get very angry at negative remarks. This is more obvious in the latter stages of the cycle.
Sexuality is another theme of this series. The sexuality is linked to their creativity. Their is an urge to create, to make something new and special all the time.
Middle age
This level usually doesn’t develop till about middle age. But the theme may be present at any age, often from childhood onwards.
Town County Province
The area in which all this takes place has now extended to a whole province. The governor of the province is the representative of the queen in a restricted area. The capital of this region is a large town, usually with a university and a theatre. The situation is that of a student who has to go to the city to start a study in art or sciences.
This is the first stage in which it is no longer possible to know everyone personally. Like the artist who is recognised and greeted on the street by people he has never met.
Voice and hearing
These people often have problems with their voice and hearing. The voice is the organ with which we put our ideas into words to put them across to other people.
Ambition, overconfidence, hubris.
Arrogance, haughtiness.
Full of ideas, theorising.
Fears: heights, narrow spaces, performance, speeches.
Keeping up a public image, for an audience, television, by cosmetic surgery, cosmetics, botox, facelifts, dentistry, breast enlargement or reduction.
Dreams: heights, falling.
Mood: crying.
Shame feelings, ashamed, < being blamed.
Hobbies: music, singing, art, painting, writing, philosophising, mysticism, mediation, astrology, palmistry, telepathy, clairvoyance.
Professions: artist, painter, sculptor, actor, writer, singer, musician, teacher, scientist, doctor, priest, bishop, medicine man, vicar, governor, secretary, representative, advertising agent, ‘public relations’, top sport.
Causes: disasters.
Locality: left.
Weather: cold, cold feet, > outside.
Menses: profuse.
Sleep: sleepy.
General: allergies.
Nervous: nerve problems, accidents; neuralgia!!; trigeminus neuralgia; sciatica, whiplash, mouse syndrome; neuritis; carpal tunnel syndrome.
Head: headache, forehead, temples, vertex.
Ear: hearing problems, deafness!!; tinnitus.
Nose: olds, with watery discharge.
Throat: thyroid problems; voice problems!!; hoarseness, loss of voice, stammering.
Lung: complaints; asthma, bronchitis.
Genital: problems of ovaries, testes, sexual organs.
Back: neck problems, stiffness, pains in arms.
Skin: herpes zoster.