Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.35.10 Populus candicans
English: Balsam poplar.
Desires action, yet feels withheld, unable to act.
Oppression and obstruction; mind and body feel paralysed.
Anxious, restless, unhappy, fearful, < alone.
Aversion company.
Life energy does not flow freely and abundantly throughout my physical body.
Not in harmony with the natural cycles of the planet.
Loquacity, discusses repeatedly her symptoms with every one who calls.
Delusion: voices distant; just spoken seems long ago; objects seem multiplied; death comes, cardiac trouble.
Forgetfulness: sentence, cannot finish; speaking; word hunting; vanishing of thought.
Fear, anguish; hopeless foreboding, < after sleep; expectation of death.
Dreams: frightful, vivid, fearful; dead people.
Sensation: numbness; pinching; burning, irritation; swollen, bruised, lame, sore, painful, exhausted as in dry, sultry weather.
Weather: > warmth, from rubbing; > hot applications.
Aversion: meat; cold, warm, hot things; sour; bitter; sweet; food, appetite lost.
Sleep: < sleep; sleepless after midnight with restlessness.
Physical: < contact of clothes, < light.
General: emaciation.
Fever: with unrest.
Vertigo: < lifting head, as if scorched by sun.
Head: hot head with cold limbs; weight on vertex; boring, left temple; fullness, lame, swollen, inflamed, thickened, painful, burning, throbbing in head and brain; cerebellum and cerebro-spinal axis, dullness of the senses as from congestion.
Eyes: burning, irritation; twisted, left, < headache.
Nose: burning, irritation, nostrils; acute colds, postnasal drip.
Face: ashy pale, wild look; yellow; burning prickling on face.
Mouth: dry; burning, irritation, cold-sores on lips; tongue thick, numb, white, dry; taste bitter, sweet in morning.
Throat: dry, burning, raw, sore, red, constricted, as webs; irritation, raw, sore; dry; voice weak, deep, hoarse, toneless, lost, thick, aphonia.
Lungs: burning, raw, sore, irritation; dry cough, > sitting bent forward; breathing difficult, < lifting arms; suffocation.
Heart: pain, stitches; pulse irregular, muffled, < before menses; palpitations, < rising, < lying on left side, + vertigo.
Chest: raw, sore; congestion.
Stomach: belching of gas feeling like hot steam; vomiting bile.
Abdomen: flatulent colic, > the body forward, < clothes; pain in right hypochondrium with enlargement.
Rectum: constipation; stools hot, dry, small, round, watery, green, preceded by cramps in abdomen, lack of expulsive power.
Urinary: urine strong, high coloured, dark, straw colour, smoky, hot, scanty, increased, variously coloured, red, dark, light, phosphates abundant.
Male: satyriasis; seminal emissions.
Female: menses scanty, abundant, early, delaying, absent; dysmenorrhoea, pain > hot cloths; vagina, burning, scalded.
Back: numbness in back radiating from spine; burning weariness in lower back.
Limbs: cold; finger-ends thickened, horny, insensible to pinching and pricking; rheumatism and gout.
Skin: harsh, dry, cold; stinging, burning under skin; numb; back and abdomen; = rubbing, = pounding; wounds, open sores, eruptions; blisters, big, like bags of water; burning prickling on face, chest and hands; nails blue.