Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
666.46.08 Petasites hybridus, Tussilago petasites
Names: means cough wort.
Names: Tussilago petasites; Petasites officinalis; Petasites vulgaris.
English: Butter-burr; Common Butterbur.
Botany: sandy meadows, riverbanks little trodden on.
They look up to their great father and try to be like him, doing their best and working very hard for it. But their father is often too busy with his own business and neglects them. Or he shouts at them or beats them in order to push them to achieve better, so they feel neglected and abused, maltreated and degraded. This gives a strong feeling of bitterness, sometimes even hatred towards their father or any other domineering person in their life.
Pushing on with a father who is their idol and who neglects them.
Persevering with an abusive father who is still the centre of the family.
Many dreams.
Fever: worst kind of fevers.
Head: migraine.
Nose: allergic rhinitis.
Throat: hoarse.
Lungs: asthma; coughs.
Stomach: affections of pylorus.
Urinary: crawling in urethra; urine scanty; urinary disorders.
Male: gonorrhoea; yellowish, thick discharge; erections; urethra crawling; pain in spermatic cord.
Female: menses absent; uterine cramps.
Limbs: knee problems.
Skin: boils or buboes.