Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Magnesium muriaticumn
Magnesium muriaticum
Nervous; with hepato-uterine or cardiac symptoms. Globus. Hysteria. Crampings. Dryness. Burning. Darting. Dinner causes faintness, dyspnoea, etc. Chronicity.
Irritable. Yellow sclera. Tinea ciliaris. Acrid, crusty ozoena. Broad, yellow, scalloped tongue; feels burnt. Loss of taste and smell. Craves sweets. Pain from liver to spine or epigastrium. Sore, enlarged liver; drags if lies on (l) side. Cramp in gall-bladder, > eating. Flatulence. STOOLS DRY; KNOTTY; of little balls, like sheep dung; gray; crumbling at anus. Must press on bladder to urinate. Profuse, dark, lumpy menses; like pitch; with cramps, backache and pains in thighs. Gushes of leucorrhoea, follow each cramp or stool. Palpitation; > motion or lying on (l) side. Throb below (l) scapula. Bruised or burning feeling in hips and back. Cramps in back, < walking; in thighs, < sitting. Dead fingertips. Tense thighs and calves; must move limbs. Ankles cold or nervous, < night. Cutting in heels. Yellow, thin, foul pus. Jaundice. Sweat on head and feet.
Region: NERVES; LIVER; Digestion; Pelvic organs, Uterus; Rectum; Women.
Worse: LYING ON RIGHT SIDE; Night; Noise; Sea bathing; Eating; Salt foods; MILK.
Better: HARD PRESSURE; Lying bent; Hanging down; Gentle motion; Cool, open air.