Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Magnesium carbonicumn
Magnesium carbonicum
Ailing, worn out, nervous, flatulent and flabby. Sour; all over (Rhe.); regurgitation; foamy vomitus; stool, etc. Emaciation. Marasmus. Sharp shoots along nerves; must walk about. Numb, distended feeling. Can't bear hands covered, yet chilled by uncovering.
Heavy brain. Tearing, digging, boring face or toothache; < pregnancy; > cold. Sudden deafness. Waxy pallor. Hawks cheesy masses from throat. Sorethroat at menses. Nibbling appetite. Vomits undigested milk or bitter water. Cutting colic. Stool, frothy; GREENISH, LIKE WATER AND SCUM OF A POND; lienteric, with gelatinous or fatty masses; grass green. Menses like thick, dark molasses; tarry; viscid; < night and on rising; leave a fast stain. Craves open air. Paroxysmal cough; difficult, thin, salty or bloody sputum. Heavy, weary feet. Chilly; takes cold, with coryza, toothache, sorethroat, etc.; before menses; and dry. Sour, greasy, indelible sweat.
Region: Malar bones; DIGESTIVE TRACT, Stomach; Bowels; Liver; NERVES, Facial; Dental.
Worse: NIGHT; Rest; Noise; Cold: Changes of weather; Wind; Drafts; Food, starchy, milk; Slight causes, touch, etc; Children; Nurselings.
Better: Motion; Walking about; Open air.