Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
0.9.02 Stage 2. Looking
Unsure, timid. Doesn’t know what he is worth, what he can do, so remains passive or adapts to the situation. He just watches and feels watched at the same time, so he hides. He wants and needs protection and support. Bewildered and overwhelmed.
They are sensitive to being looked at and quickly feel criticised. They are aware of other people around them, looking at them and saying things about them. They easily feel judged in a negative way, humiliated or hurt. They are extremely sensitive to any comments or criticism. Other people only have to look at them or think of them and they will take it as a form of criticism.
Unsure Shy Timid
They feel so unsure of themselves that they don’t dare to say or do anything. They are passive in the sense that they are convinced that there is no possibility for active participation. They can only undergo the judgement and reactions of other people. They feel weak, are docile, phlegmatic and modest and like to keep themselves in the background.
Finding a space Joining the community
They believe that they don’t deserve to have their own space. They feel unqualified or undeserving of their own space. They have to find their own place in relationships, their own and their partner’s boundaries. They easily give in.
Passive Adapting Giving in
They are passive and just let everything happen. They give their power away and do not even realise that they probably have just as much to offer as anyone else. They feel that they know nothing and have their own inner frame of reference. So they are inclined to adapt their behaviour and opinions to others and their rules.They give the impression of being very weak-minded.
Protecting Covering up
They have a need for security and protection and support. Calcium is the main component of bones, the most supportive structure in our body. Oyster shells are made from Calcium carbonate.
They have the tendency to hide themselves so they will not get criticised.
Number 2: duality.
Support Hardening
Body: weak, puffy, flaccid.
Bone problems.
Miasm: typhus.
Physical: > lying on abdomen.DD
DD Stage 1: there is no reflection in stage one and they don’t feel people looking at them yet.
DD Being looked at: The stages that follow can also have a feeling of being watched but there it is no longer the main part of the whole problem. In those stages the predominant feeling becomes more focused on what they could or should be doing to get things right.
DD Doubt, passive, coward: Stage 3, 4 and 5 may also have a tendency to cowardice, without the courage to persevere.
DD Stage 6: Stages 2 and 6 have the theme of hiding. But there is no real action in Stage 2; they are simply reluctant to show themselves. In Stage 6 there is definitely a lot of action but they don’t want to show what they are doing in case they fail.