Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Lobelia inflatan
Lobelia inflata
RELAXATION; with increased secretions and weakness; with sweat; with deathly sickness all over; with oppressed, rattling respiration. Sits with elbows on knees. Prickles all over.
Flow of saliva; with retching, hiccough, nausea, dyspnoea, etc. As of a lump in throat or stomach. Deathly nausea; with vertigo; < night and early morning, > eating or drinking. Vomiting; with sweat (cold on face). Nausea and vomiting, with profuse sweat; with respiratory symptoms. Weak, sinking at stomach. Deep red urine, with red sediment. Urine suppressed or infrequent. Dyspnoea; nervous; with labor pains; as from a wedge in larynx; > rapid motion; with general prickling. Asthma. Spasmodic cough; with sneezing, belching or gastric pain. Rattle in chest, but don't expectorate. Constriction or oppressive fulness in chest. Pulse weak, or soft; flowing. Plaques of oedema (figurata); with ecchymoses.
Region: RESPIRATION; Vaso-motor nerves; Secretions; Heart; Epigastrium.
Worse: Cold bathing; Suppressions; Sleep, after; Tobacco.
Better: Rapid motion; Eating a little.