Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Kalium nitricumn
Kalium nitricum
Increased secretion into cavities. Very weak. Haemorrhage. Sudden oedema. Throbbing. Dull stitches. Numb, as if wooden.
Faintness. External angle of right eye twitches, < chewing. Nausea. Epigastric or sub-sternal pains go toward axillae. Dark, fluid stools. Dull kidney pains. Diuresis. Profuse, inky menses. Rapid, gasping breathing; sits upright. VIOLENT DYSPNOeA; can only drink in sips. Congestion of right lung. Asthma. Free, sour expectoration >. Relapses of phthisis. Palpitation, < lying. Pain from back into chest. Hands and fingers feel swelled. External coldness; chin; skin. Internal burning.
Region: Cavities, Blood-vessels; Heart; Kidneys; Vaso-motors; Respiratory organs.
Worse: Walking; Cold; Damp; Taking cold; Veal; Lying with head low.
Better: Gentle motion.