Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
Kalium nitricum
Kali muriaticum is a 'Schussler-salt', one of the twelve tissue salts which Schussler used in his system (Clarke, 1985, part 2, page 141). No provings have been done with this. The symptoms in the repertory have been taken from clinical cases and from the pictures given by Schussler. The general picture is therefore not very reliable and more focused on pathology. An added complication is that the picture of Kalium muriaticum. has been confused with the picture of Kali chloratum, a related but at the same time quite different remedy.
Kali muriaticum is one of the remedies which initially surprised me. You would expect it to be one of the 'big' remedies in homeopathy. It is after all closely related to some other big ones, like Natrium muriaticum and Kalium carbonicum. So there is no reason why Kalium muriaticum. shouldn’t also have a large area of application. This probably means that its picture is not sufficiently known yet, not familiar enough for us to use it. Unless it is that Kalium muriaticum really is rather a minor remedy, but in than case there must be an explanation why there should be such a difference between Nat-m and Kalium muriaticum.
Kalium Nitricum
Principles, duty Enjoyment
Closed Needing space, expansion
Optimism Going out
Work, task Congestion, explosive
Family Tension
The theme we get from the group analysis is: do your duty in order to be able to enjoy yourself. They have the feeling that you are not allowed to enjoy yourself until you have done your duty. So they do their work and they work with pleasure. But they aren’t the sort of people who work 18 hours a day. They have to keep some space for enjoyment, for an evening out, for a trip to the cinema etc. Everything is fine as long as they can do their duty and keep some space for themselves at the same time. But the problems may start if their task becomes too much for them, or starts to take up too much of their time. Then they will get the feeling that there isn’t enough space for themselves, that life is slipping by.
A variation on this theme is the feeling that they have to enjoy life. This may be a sort of basic theme for them. A good life to them means a life in which they have fully enjoyed the good things on this earth. Although they do restrain themselves and do fulfil their duties, the basic thought is that enjoyment plays a major part in life.
The idea that they have to do their duty in order to be allowed to enjoy life.
They feel duty bound to work. They work hard and they like doing their job properly. But at the same time they want to be able to enjoy themselves too. After a hard day's work, they like to be able to relax at the beach having a nice dinner. This is how they like their romance as well. All this may have started at the stage of mother saying: 'finish your first course, then you’ll get your pudding'.
To them life is worth enjoying. You should enjoy yourself. Just as working is an essential part of living, so is enjoying yourself. They also like to let others share in their enjoyment, especially people who are hard workers,like themselves. They also have an aversion to the opposite: they don’t like people who always want more, without doing anything in return.
If their work becomes too much for them they start to get problems. This could happen, for instance, in a situation where they work too many hours. This would leave too little time for themselves, too little time to have fun.
They suffer from fear of narrow spaces.
Location: left sided.
Temperature: cold.
Time: < 3 am.
Desire: sweet, meat, alcohol, smoking.
Aversion: veal and beef. < veal, beef.
Sleep: waking 3 am.
Stitching pains.
Colds: discharge watery and green, with sneezing.
Stomach complaints.
Heart and vascular problems. Arteriosclerosis, numbness in leg, heart attack.
DD: Kali's, Lycopodium, Nitricums, Nux-v.