Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Kalium carbonicumn
Kalium carbonicum
WEAKENING, intellection; muscles, heart, back, limbs, etc. Gives out, leans on something or lies down; with backache, profuse secretions, sweat, etc. Soft, thin blooded and cold. Old, fleshy, dropsical or paralytic. SHARP STITCHINGS, stabbings or catches in joints, muscles, chest, head, epigastrium, back, etc. Throbbing, numb or cold single parts, abdomen, fingers, etc. Acrid discharges. Sub-acute conditions. Parts lain on are painful and go to sleep.
Peevish. Easily startled; < touch; on dropping to sleep. Anxious aversion to solitude. Headaches, into eyes; wake from sleep. Eyes weak. Vision, spotted; like drops before. Puffs over, inner angle of eyes or baggy upper lids. Stitches out of ears. Head colds; go to chest. Nose stuffed, > open air; swelled; yellow-green or crusty discharge. Puffy face. Slimy mouth. Gray tongue. Itching gums. Hawks up tough mucus in morning DIFFICULT SWALLOWING. Salty regurgitation. Vomits sour mucus. Sensitive, distended stomach and abdomen. Fulness; from but little, even after drinks; as if full of water. Anxious at epigastrium. Throbbing back of stomach; at navel. Gastric pains going to back, chest, limbs, etc. Flatulence. Hard tympanites. Stool difficult; of large, hard lumps, then burning or torn feeling. Piles inflamed, bleeding; descend when urinating or coughing, > riding horseback; stick like fine needles, > cool bathing. Burning in left kidney. Nocturnal enuresis of adults. Urine foamy, with thick, tough, red sediment. Delayed first menses. Amenorrhoea. Colic, then irritating menses; > washing. Inefficient labor pains. Catarrhal aphonia. Respiration short, < least motion or walking; asthmatic, alternating with diarrhoea; with vertigo. Incessant, hard retching or choking, futile cough; then vomiting. Pertussis. Lungs seem to stick to ribs. Pleurisy. Stabbing chest pains. Heart seems to hang by a thread; pains toward left scapula. Palpitation; then weakness; in valvular disease. Arrhythmia. Cardiac degeneration. Fine stitches in mammae. Everything affects the small of the back or pains start there. Back and legs give out; feel heavy. Lumbago. Arms weak; numb pinching in left. Painful tips of fingers and toes. Oedema of left foot. Sensitive soles; skin. Dry hair and skin. General itching or hives; during menses. Talks in sleep. Pulse small, soft, variable, intermittent or dicrotic. Chilly; with hot hands; and sleepiness; in open air. Internal burning. Sweat scanty, foul on feet.
Region: Muscles, ligaments, HEART; Uterus; LUMBAR; SEROUS and mucous membranes, CHEST (R; lower:; Joints; Eyes; Blood; Left side.
Worse: Cold: AIR; Water; Drafts; Changes after Overheating; Changes after exertion; Time: 2-3 A;M; Winter; Before menses; Lying: On painful or left side; Loss of fluids; After labor.
Better: Warmth; Sitting with elbows on knees; Open air.