Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Kalium bromatumn
Kalium bromatum
Slow onset. No pain. General numbness; < occiput.
Depressive delusions. Nervous. Suspicion; fears people, yet can't be alone, in the dark, etc.; looks on all sides; fidgety, busy hands, fumbles. Moves arms about wildly. Mania. Night terrors. Melancholy; remorse, wrings hands, bursts into tears, etc. Slow hesitates; omits or mixes up words. Indifference. Hebetude. Poor memory. Brain-fag. Vertigo, as if ground gave way. Catarrh descends to larynx (Am-bro.). Cutting colic. Green, watery stool; with rapid collapse. Cholera infantum. Depressed sexual power. Flooding of young women. Croupy cough. Cool skin. Acne. Sleepy.
Region: MIND; NERVES, Brain; Spine; Genitals; Larynx; Skin.
Worse: Mental exertion; Emotions; Periodically: Night; Summer; New moon; Sexual excesses; Puberty.
Better: When busy.