Jan Scholten
Kalium bromatum
Kali Bromatum
Principles, duty Guilt
Closed Restlessness, escape
Optimism Passion, instinct
Work, task Psychotic
The group analysis gives us the theme: they feel guilty when they don’t do their duty. As long as they can fulfil their task and keep doing their work, everything is fine. But when they can’t do this anymore they start to feel very guilty. They always feel a strong urge to work, they like having something to do. When they aren’t busy doing something they can’t get rid of their energy. So they start wringing their hands. It is as if they have to have 'a job at hand' in order to feel happy.
Another variation is that they may feel that passion should be trustworthy. You are allowed to be passionate, but it should be within the context of a stable relation-ship, linked to your task as a partner. Duty and passion should go together. Problems may start if one of the partners becomes unfaithful or wants a divorce. Then they will feel cheated. They will either blame the partner, or start to ask themselves 'What have I done wrong?'. This may lead to depression, sleeplessness or even psychotic states.
the delusion that they are guilty if they don’t do their duty.
They feel that they have to do their duty. Their urge to work is very strong. They are even restless and hurried in their job, working long hours without a break. The restlessness is particularly obvious in the way they have to keep moving their hands: they have to have 'a job at hand'. When they can’t work any longer, for instance after retirement, things start to go wrong. They can’t get rid of their energy and become even more restless. They can’t sleep and they constantly wring their hands. They feel guilty, as if they are neglecting their duty, and this makes them feel depressed. Eventually they might even get into a psychotic state, with the delusion that God will avenge Himself on them.
Another situation that might cause problems is a broken love relationship.
They committed themselves to this relationship with full dedication and passion, intending to keep it going strongly. And then it suddenly goes wrong, either because they themselves fall in love with someone else, or because their partner is unfaithful. This sadness can bring about the same reaction as in the case of the sudden loss of their job: restlessness, insomnia, depression, feelings of guilt or psychosis. It is worth noting that the delusion of being the object of God’s vengeance can go two ways: either God can take out his revenge on them, or It may be that God orders them to avenge something.
The feeling of guilt may also express itself in a delusion that they have committed a crime. Or in fears, for instance in fear of the police.
Colour preference: 15-16A.
Location: left sided.
Physique: blond, blue eyes.
Temperature: > fresh air, > sea !!, < draught.
Time: < summer.
Desire: chocolate.
Aversion: milk, onions. < chocolate, tobacco. > eating, cold food.
Menses: pain before menses.
Physical: < touch, lying on left side, dust. > movement.
Nervous: epilepsy, irregularly.
Acrid and watery discharges.
Chorea and epilepsy.
Glandular swelling, hard and either painful or painless.
Fever without perspiration. Cancer.
Colds with acrid discharge, hoarseness. Air feels cold. Mumps.
Enlarged thyroid, hypo- or hyperthyroidism.
Allergic asthma with flapping alae nasi, constriction in throatpit. Whooping cough.
Swelling, inflammation or cancer in the testes or ovaries.
Skin: acne, feeling of cobweb in the face.
Dirty wounds with green, stinking discharge.
DD: Bad, Bromatums, Fluoratums, Kali's, Med.