Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
0.3.2 Element Theory
Elementary Series and Stages
A very important source for information is the Element theory of the Mineral kingdom. This might come as a surprise as we are dealing with the Plant kingdom. The Element theory was discovered in the Mineral kingdom. For a long time it looked to be limited to the Mineral kingdom but it can just as easily be applied to the Plant kingdom and the Animal kingdom. It can be used for a classification of the Plant kingdom. On closer examination, this is logical to do.
A first argument is that all plants are built from minerals. Plants get their form and can use energy for their life by using minerals. Physically they are only built from elements.
A second argument is that the themes of the Element Theory, the themes of the series and stages are universal. All the possible themes of life are expressed in those of the Series and Stages. There is nothing more to be said. So the Plants must have the same kind of problems and themes as the Minerals, although in a different form. This fact has also been confirmed by recognising the themes of Series and Stages in the remedy pictures of Plants and their families. It is also confirmed by Mineral analysis of Plants (Scholten, Minerals in Plants).
A third argument, which is related to the one before, is that the structure of the Periodic table is not limited to the Mineral kingdom. The structure of the Element theory is more abstract. It lies behind the Mineral kingdom, giving it structure. In Quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation is the formula used for the energy states of the atoms, the elements of the Periodic table. That equation is only dealing with energy, not matter. It is more general than only matter. One can see the Schrödinger equation as a formula describing possible energy states. In that case it can be applied to all systems: atoms, plants and animals.
The 7 Series by itself leads to a division into seven. The seven series represent seven basic themes in life. They give a kind of basic pattern of where problems arise. They are encountered in the Classes and Orders.
Stages, 18
The 18 Stages or columns of the Periodic system are elementary, showing the 18 different ways of how to handle a problem. In this classification, it will show itself as the differentiation of the species of a family. The family shows a theme and the species, genera show how the theme can be tackled or handled. In the Sankaran system the differentiation is presented as miasms. They are an expression of the Stages.
Phases, 8
The Stages are limited to 8 in the primary series, the Carbon series and Silicon series. There are only eight elements in these series, even only 7 if one forgets the pause, the noble gas. This is the same number as there are series, seven. Seven is the number of process, evolution, the cycle of life. This is represented in the seven series of the Periodic table and the seven columns of the Carbon series and Silicon series.
When looking at the Apg classification Classes are often divided into 7 Orders and Orders are divided into 7 families.
In Homeopathy and Elements I have already discussed this theme of more than one type of division, that of 8 or 18. As there is much similarity, I have adapted the division of 18 as the basic one in that study. But it turns out that the division into 7 has to be given more stress. In principle the division is the same but the division into 18 is more refined.
In the Plant kingdom, the division into 7 is very prominent. In order to express that, I have come to the use of Phases.
There are 7 Phases and 18 Stages. This might lead to confusion in the beginning but that is unavoidable. To prevent confusion I use the word Phase for the division into 7 or 8 and the concept Stage for the division into 17 or 18.