Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.53.07 Drimia maritima, Scilla, Squilla
Names: Scilla maritima; Squilla maritima; Urginea maritima; Charybdis maritima.
English: Squill; Sea onion.
Content: cardiac glycosides; flavonoids; mucilage.
She feels sad, locked in, tired, irritated.
Ailments from incest, aggressive.
Desire to belong, being included, part of.
Constrained; oppressed; constricted; held in tightly; grasping; holding on; clutching.
Attractive behaviour, vivacious, egotism, loquacity; attractive clothing, cosmetics.
Work seems pointless, meaningless, empty, unconnected to own personality.
Having to create a nice facade, decoration, a false impression.
Desire: beautiful things, gemstones, jewellery.
Feeling empty, thoughtless, without emotion.
Everything feels, strange, upside down, inside out, unconnected, as if in an air bubble.
Grief, retention.
Phobic states.
Hardened, closed up, held back.
Unfeeling, hardhearted.
Cruelty, brutality, inhumanity, want of moral feeling.
Unsympathetic, unscrupulous!.
Fear: infection, germs; penises, even croquettes.
Delusion: captured in an empty space space between heaven and earth.
Delusion: neglected; excluded; in religion, society, being special.
Dream: body was excessively swollen.
Dreams: amorous; anxious; frightful; disease; grotesque, joyous; pleasant; vivid.
Sensation: forced out; excluded; extruded; pushed out; left out; as if swimming in cold water.
Time: < morning; < early morning; old people.
Weather: heat, <<- uncover; > sea air; < cold wind.
Sweat: absent.
Desire: sour, cold water.
Aversion: meat, soup, bread, butter, tobacco.
Physical: < motion; > rest.
General: oedema, obese, swelling.
Vertigo: falling sideways, < morning.
Head: headache, < excitement, > work, > distraction, > after ovulation, > pressure, > rubbing, < 5 pm, with irritability; heavy; shaking, difficult to held up, splashing sound when shaking.
Eyes: irritable; child bores into them with fists, watery < cough; as if swimming in cold water.
Nose: !; fluent coryza, acrid; margins of nostrils feel sore; sneezing < coughing.
Face: child rubs face with fist during cough; pain pressing, left cheek, splitting, swollen.
Mouth: teeth black spots; taste sweet, of food, expectoration; food tastes burnt; taste sharp, as from onions, dust.
Throat: irritated.
Lungs: !; short, dry, violent, furious, exhausting, stubborn, rattling cough, << taking a deep breath, < cold drinks, < exertion, < change from warm to cold air, < measles, + involuntary spurting of urine; expectoration copious, profuse, salty, slimy; must take a deep breath; dyspnoea; stitches in chest; painful contraction of abdominal muscles; pleurisy; bronchitis, pneumonia.
Heart: !; weak; peripheral vessels and coronary arteries; dropsy.
Stomach: pains, > lying on left side; gagging < cough; pressure like a stone.
Abdomen: gurglings; spleen, stitches under left free ribs; aching hypochondrium.
Rectum: dark brown, frothy stools.
Urinary: !; great urging; much watery, bloody urine; involuntary spurting of urine < coughing.
Female: leucorrhoea, profuse; dysmenorrhoea.
Back: gurgling, bubbling under scapula.
Limbs: icy cold hands and feet; warmth of the rest of the body; feet sore, tender, < standing, < shopping girls; persistent, dull, rheumatic pains permeate the body; ankle swollen, < long standing.
Skin: small, red spots over body, with prickling pain.