Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.22.02 Dioscorea villosa
French: Igname.
They have a tendency to limit themselves, in their life as a whole and especially in relationships. They feel too weak to go out and make contact with other people, especially with the other sex.
Relationship problems; averse to relationships.
Fancies of an ideal love, pure, spiritual.
Aversion to vulgar, daily circumstances.
Unmarried, monk.
Ambition, desire to achieve in school or work.
Ambition stimulated or blocked by parents, mother, or household work.
Blamed by mother.
Father strict, harsh, inducing fear. Fearfulness
Ailments from loss of parents.
Helping others, ignoring their own needs.
Willing slaves, dutiful, chores, drudgery, back-breaking, overwork.
Broken down, feeble, exhausted, confused, worn out, burned-out, depleted.
Domestic issue of married life, housebound, trapped as a carer, looking after others at home.
Cut-off from the world, abandoned, alone, withdrawn, isolated.
Aversion to parties, socialising.
Misrepresent, colour, bend, distort, doctor, falsify, misquote, bias, misreport, slant, lie, pervert, deform, disfigure, distort, contort, mar, misshape.
Dreams: vivid; lascivious, women; confused; anxious, frightful; snakes; water stream.
Sensation: twisting, bending, curving, arching, bowing, crooking, curvature, flexing, hooking, turning, coiling, screwing, curling, entwining, meander, snake, spiralling, twining, spraining, straining, turning, wrenching, intertwining, entangling, snarling, overstretching, knot.
Food: < cabbage; < tea.
Physical: !! > stretching, > pressure.
Nervous: epilepsy, absences.
Heart: palpitation.
Stomach: indigestion; pain, nausea, belching.
Abdomen: pain, twisting, grasping, cramping, colic, !! > stretching, < bending forward, < lying; rumbling, flatus; ileus < cicatrices; appendicitis.
Urinary: bladder proplaps; cystitis.
Male: genitals cold.
Female: menses pain, copious, clotted, irregular; dysmenorrhoea, extending hips; uterus septa.
Limbs: knee weak, pain, injecting, < stretching, spraining.
Skin: felons; pains sharp, agonising, pricking; nails brittle; paronychia.