Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.45.12 Curcuma longa
Botany: Curcuma javanensis, Curcuma xanthorrhiza.
English: Kurkuma; Curcuma.
Maleisian: Kunyit; temu kunyit.
Content: curcumin, essentiol oil.
Use: in curry powders; also in cattle condiments; colouring agent.
Delusion: being neglected; has lost the affection of a friend.
Delusions: of animals; sounds of animals, at night.
Full of worries, cares, < afternoon.
Company, aversion; fond of solitude.
Concentration difficult, < afternoon; confusion.
Thoughts of death; thought of death of someone.
Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of thinking, comprehending; forgetfulness.
Indifference, apathy; to friends.
Laughing; at trifles.
Restlessness, nervousness. Impatience.
Sadness < evening.
Work: aversion to mental.
Dreams: child, children; children being murdered; knives; quarrels; being stabbed.
Sexual desire diminished; disposition to masturbation.
Mocking about sexuality.
Suppressing his sexuality.
Suppressing his ambitions.
Mocked at his sexuality, silenced.
Fear: night; something will happen.
Sensation: burning.
Weather: heat, chilliness < night.
Time: < morning.
Desire: cold drinks; thirst constant, unquenchable, large quantities, small quantities; increased appetite.
Aversion: food; appetite diminished.
Sleep; sleepiness, < morning, < afternoon; waking << thirst.
Physical: > bathing cold, > rest, > sitting.
General: cancer, lymphatic leukaemia; cholesterol high.
Energy: weakness, lassitude.
Fever evening; > warm bathing.
Head: pain; forehead; < fever.
Eyes: agglutinated < morning; red itching, canthi; lachrymation < bathing, > closing eyes, > rest; pain, burning, < morning, > washing, > reading.
Nose: coryza, discharge, fluent, watery, with fever; inflammation; obstruction, + headache, + sneezing frequent.
Face: anxious; flushes of heat; itching, < night, > cold applications, < shaving, right cheek, chin.
Mouth: dry; gums, pain, swelling; tongue, white; teeth pain from caries, < cold.
Throat: as if foreign body; irritation, pain, left side, > warm drinks; scraping; larynx dry, tickling, < evening, night, < before dinner.
Lungs: loud respiration; dry cough, < night, < dinner; expectoration, yellow, difficult, scanty, putrid.
Chest: oppression; sternum, during palpitations; pain aching, dull, heart, apex, < lying on right side, > pressure; stitching pain sides, right, left, < night, < breathing, > lying on left side; palpitation of heart; afternoon.
Stomach: pain cramping, cutting; sinking < anxiety; heartburn; upset, in children.
Abdomen: cold < eating; distension, fullness, heavy as from a load, < dinner, > flatus, > sleep, + noises, rumbling, > warm drinks, > pressure, > stool; pain hypochondria, left side, inguinal, cramping, cutting, dull, pulsating; swelling, inguinal painful; irritable bowel syndrome, IBS; hepatitis, gall bladder inflammation, stones, extirpation; liver problems; gallstones; cholecystectomy, appendicitis.
Rectum: constipation, unsatisfactory stools; urging absent; stool, black, clay coloured, yellow, frequent, hard, undigested, offensive, scanty, watery.
Urinary: urination frequent < night; pain burning, urethra, < urination; urine yellow, dark; profuse, increased.
Male: erections troublesome, incomplete, involuntary, excitability of genitals.
Female: menses painful, dysmenorrhoea.
Back: pain, lumbar, lumbago, sacral, > warm applications, < motion, > rest; stiff, cervical < turning head; dorsal region, scapulae, above right scapula.
Skin: eruptions, burning, itching rash, < sun, upper limbs, hands, lower limbs, happier, nates, thighs, > scratching.
Limbs: trembling upper limbs, hands, < exercise, < writing; weak; pain extremities, < motion, shoulders, left, elbows, lower limbs, hips, knees, < change of position, wandering, shifting; osteoarthritis.
Skin: wrinkled; eruptions, rash, macular, itching without eruptions, > scratching, > cold applications, < bathing, < covering, > undressing.