Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.45.00 Zingiberales
DD: Nitrogen; Silicon; Phosphorus.
In the Apg3 classification Zingiberales is an Order.
In the plant theory Zingiberales is placed at the level of a family, in a Subphase. It can be given the name Zingiberaceae but then the other families of Zingiberales have to be included in Zingiberaceae and be treated as subfamilies.
- Musaceae: Ensete, Musa.
- Heliconiaceae: Heliconia.
- Strelitziaceae: Phenakospermum, Ravenala, Strelitzia.
- Lowiaceae: Orchidantha.
- Cannaceae: Canna.
- Marantaceae: 31 genera: Afrocalathea, Ataenidia, Calathea, Cominsia, Ctenanthe, Donax, Halopegia, Haumania, Hylaeanthe, Hypselodelphys, Ischnosiphon, Koernickanthe, Maranta, Marantochloa, Megaphrynium, Monophrynium, Monophyllanthe, Monotagma, Myrosma, Phacelophrynium, Phrynium, Pleiostachya, Sanblasia, Saranthe, Sarcophrynium, Schumannianthus, Stachyphrynium, Stromanthe, Thalia, Thaumatococcus, Trachyphrynium.
- Costaceae: Chamaecostus, Cheilocostus, Costus, Dimerocostus, Monocostus, Paracostus, Tapeinochilos.
- ZIngiberaceae: 50 genera: Aframomum, Alpinia, Amomum, Aulotandra, Boesenbergia, Burbidgea, Camptandra, Caulokaempferia, Cautleya, Cornukaempferia, Curcuma, Cyphostigma, Distichochlamys, Elettaria, Elettariopsis, Etlingera, Gagnepainia, Geocharis, Geostachys, Globba, Haniffia, Haplochorema, Hedychium, Hemiorchis, Hitchenia, Hornstedtia, Kaempferia, Laosanthus, Leptosolena, Myxochlamys, Nanochilus, Parakaempferia, Plagiostachys, Pleuranthodium, Pommereschia, Renealmia, Rhynchanthus, Riedelia, Roscoea, Scaphochlamys, Siamanthus, Siliquamomum, Siliquamonum, Siphonochilus, Smithatris, Stadiochilus, Stahlianthus, Tamijia, Vanoverberghia, Zingiber.
They feel split between conserving the family and their desire for expansion. They like to be part of a family, family is very important to them. But at the same time they often feel limited by it. Family life is too predictable, too boring. Sticking to doing things with the family feels too restrictive, family life feels boring, lacking in life. They are full of life, exuberant, extravagant. They have a desire to get as much out of life as possible. They are very enthusiastic. They want to enjoy life, have extremes of experience.
Cheerful, good humoured, pleasing.
Forgetful, weak memory.
Dream: robber, stranger, journey.
Sexual desire high, lascivious.
Inhibited, sexually.
Reserved. Personal inhibition.
Averse to sympathy.
Sensation: burning, crawling, aching, constricting.
Desire: thirst.
Sleep: sleepless.
Head: headache, forehead.
Limbs: pain in hands and feet.