Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Sub-oxidation, affecting the centers of the medulla. Violent effects; in recurring symptom groups. CRAMPS AND SPASMS; of all kinds; radiating from or of single parts; extort cries; tonic, knotting the muscles; twisting the head awry; with trismus or hiccough; then deathly exhaustion, chills, spasmodic laughter, etc.; in chest; behind sternum; of fingers; calves > stretching leg out, or soles, etc.; nocturnal; < at menses; epileptic. Jerkings; during sleep. Pains; pressive, < touch; as from blows, being broken, etc.; in racking darts, through whole body. Continued weakness. Poor reaction. Easy relapses. Latency. Blueness.
Hypersensitive: every drug overacts, without curing. Uneasy. Nervous. Sense of losing consciousness. Impulsive. Piercing shrieks. Delirium; loquacious; then cold sweat. Confusion. Melancholy; with spells of fear of death. Sullen; tricky; alternately yielding and headstrong. Vertigo; with internal tremor, > stool. Can't hold head erect or bores it into pillow. Crawling on vertex. Pulls her hair. Meningitis. Eyeballs oscillate behind closed lids. Face livid, pale or distorted. Closed mouth. Grinds teeth. Metallic taste. Puts tongue out like a snake. Loss of speech. Noisy swallowing. Nausea. Vomiting; violent; tormenting; > drinking; with agonizing colic, diarrhoea and shrieks or convulsions. Painful transfixion cramp. Hard pressure in epigastrium. Lies on stomach and jerks buttocks up. Tense abdomen. Frightful colic, > pressure, < raising arms. Spurting stools; of green water. Cholera. Suppressed urine. Cramps prevent coition. After-pains. Spasm of glottis. Dyspnoea; can't bear anything near mouth; < coughing or laughing. Asthma. Cough; in violent paroxysms; coughs herself out of breath; > cold drinks (Caus.), < deep breathing or bending back; with cramps, spasms (Zin.) or lachrymation. Whooping cough. Chest; loud rattle in; painful, constriction of (lower). Jerking hands and feet. Clenches thumbs into palms. Heavy ankles. Repressed or undeveloped eruptions, discharges, etc. (Zin.). Yellow, scaly eruptions. Slow pulse. Icy cold; afebrile. Chilly. Cold, clammy sweat; at night. Collapse.
Region: NERVES, Cerebro-spinal axis; Digestive tract; Epigastrium; Abdomen; Muscles; Blood.
Worse: Emotions: Anger; Suppressions; Overtax; Motion; Hot weather; Vomiting; Loss of sleep; Touch; Raising arm.
Better: Cold drinks; Pressure over heart.