Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Carbo vegetabilisn
Carbo vegetabilis
Low, grave, depraved, or cachectic states. Atony, failing reaction or obstinate sequelae. Complaints of old age. WEAKNESS, FLATULENCE, FETOR OR AIR HUNGER, with most complaints. Tremulous, WEAK, SICK AND EXHAUSTED; suddenly; with pulselessness. Fainting. Collapse. Easily chilled. Cold, yet wants air or to be fanned, or thirsts for cold water. BLUENESS and decomposition. Sepsis. Ulceration (aphthous). HÆMORRHAGE; dark oozing. Overfulness. Venosity. Thick, acrid discharges (Hyds.). Old catarrhs. General bruised soreness or heavy aching burning; in bones, ulcers, etc. Numbness, of parts lain on.
Slow, anxious and irritable. Dejected. Unhappy. Dull, compressive, heavy (leaden) headache; < occiput; < overheating, lying or pressure of hat. Sneezing from irritation in larynx; < blowing nose or sneezing. Colds go downward (Pho.). PINCHED, HIPPOCRATIC or DUSKY FACE. Twitching upper lip. Mumps with metastasis. Loose teeth. Scorbutic gums. Small, painful aphthae. Black tongue. Loathes even the thought of food. BELCHINGS; RANCID; loud, without >; with cough. EXCESSIVE FLATULENCE; obstructed; distending; < upper abdomen (Pul.); < lying. All food turns to gas. Dyspepsia. Colic. Burning in rectum. Itching anus. Septic albuminuria. Sore, hot itching, swelled vulva. Hoarse in evening. Spasms of tormenting, hollow or choking cough, with headache and vomiting; < cold drinks and in bed; expectorates with retching. Pertussis and its effects. Heavy, sore or weak chest; on awaking. Senile asthma. Destructive lung diseases. Continuous, anxious palpitation. Sore ribs. As of a plug in back. Weak fingers. Raw or mottled skin. Ulcers, foul, burning and bleeding. Varicosis. Horrors during sleep. Thready pulse. Alternate chill and heat. ICY COLD; tongue; knees; legs, at night; breath; foot (l); unilateral, etc. Warm head, cold limbs. Internal, burning heat; at heart; in chest; with icy skin, < coughing. Icy, but wants air.
Worse: WARMTH; DEPLETIONS; Cooling off; EXHAUSTING DISEASES; Old age; HIGH LIVING; Rich foods; DISSIPATION; Overlifting; Walking in open air; Pressure of clothes; Weather: Extreme temperatures; Cold night air, frosty, humid; Air; Wind on head; Suppression.
Better: ERUCTATIONS; Cool air; Elevating feet.