Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Barium carbonicumn
Barium carbonicum
Torpid, dwarfish (Med. Syph.) or marasmic. Weakly. Senility; early (Calcium carbonicum.). Adenopathies. Scrophula. Chronicity. Single effects (Agar. Con.). Burning, localised. Numb parts; mouth, genitals, fingers, etc. Forced through a narrow place, as if. Vascular softening and dilatation. Paralytic effects. Apoplexy. Too tired to even eat. Wants to lie down. Takes colds. Inflamed mucous membranes.
SLOW, INEPT AND BACKWARD. Childish, thoughtless behavior. Timid. Cowardly. Groans from every little thing. Increasing mental weakness. Weak, beclouded mind. Bad memory. Forgets her errand or the word in her mouth. Irresolute. Mistrustful. Shy of strangers. Brain feels loose; > cool air. Heavy pressure over eyes (Bell.). Baldness; < vertex. Hazy cornea. Eyes, > looking down. Old, sickly, weakened look. Crusty ears. Nose dry, < blowing it. Pendulous lips. Weak tongue. Burning soreness or vesicles on tip of tongue. Throat (glands) affected by every cold; < menses. Chronic quinsy. Enlarged tonsils (Calcium phosphoricum.). Spasm of oesophagus. Sore spot in stomach. Diarrhoea, with lumbar ache. Flabby genitals. Erections when riding. Paralytic aphonia. Asthma, < wet, warm air; senile (Bar-m.). Chronic bronchitis. Heart; bruised sore; < suppressed footsweat. Trembling feet. Hot, bruised soles at night. Cold, foul footsweat. Indurated glands; tonsils; cervicals, swelled like knotted cords. Cysts. Lipoma. Warts. Acne. Pulse slow and small. High blood-pressure. Arterio-sclerosis.
Region: NUTRITION; MIND; GLANDS, THROAT; Prostate; HEART; Nerves; Blood-vessels; Lungs.
Worse: Company; Thinking of it; Cold: Damp, to feet; To head; Changes; Lying on: Painful part; Left side; Odors.
Better: Warm wraps.