Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
Calcarea carbonica
This is one of the best known homoeopathic remedies. I will not expand on it too much, but it is a good idea to say a few words.
Calcarea Carbonica
What others think Giving meaning
Sensitive to criticism Stating values
Uncertainty Self worth
Shyness Dignity
Fears Shyness
Protection Worker
Withdrawal Father
The central theme is expressed in the delusion that others will see their confusion. The first part of this delusion is that others will notice something about him. That side is a clear trait of Calcarea. The second part is the confusion itself. This word is not entirely correct. The group analysis shows that the Carbonic element has to do with giving meaning and values. We could define the central delusion more precisely as the delusion that others will see that he doesn’t know what is meaningful, what he is worth.
That will be a more accurate description than just 'confusion'. The confusion appears to be in the determination of meaning and values. The fear of confusion and of going mad is therefore a consequence of the fear of not being considered a complete and worthy person.
In children we often find this theme. They are cast into the world of the grown ups, and 'what will they think of them, they are still so small and insignificant'. You can see these children withdrawing and watching you from the corner of their eyes. Especially when you ask them something, they become very shy and try to hide behind their mother. If you leave them alone it is not so bad. While you are talking to their mother they do look at you. The idea that others are thinking and talking about them makes them very uncertain. The fact alone that they are with a doctor means that there must be something wrong with them.
In other we can find this shyness in a more subtle form. They, too, do not really dare to look straight at you. That is why they often look at your mouth and only occasionally look straight into your eyes, for a short time.
In that sense it is also understandable why Calc. is one of the most common remedies for children, as Vithoulkas (1991, page 263) describes. Children are often very unsure of themselves. This can be caused by the continual criticism they get from adults. They have to live up to all sorts of standards, adapt to so many things. So they might start to question: 'Am I doing this right, am I good enough?'. That is why timidity is a strong characteristic of Calc.
A second side of Calc is that they will start to protect themselves. They remain unsure of themselves, but they don’t show it. They show themselves to be very stable and firm. In order to prevent others thinking negatively about them, they will start to comply with all sorts of norms and values. They will start to work very hard, to show others that they have something positive to contribute to society.