Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
633.26.14 Aletris farinosa
English: Colic root; Star grass; Stargrass; Blazing Grass; Colic Root; Unicorn Root; Mealy starwort; Crow root.
Source: Moonen.
Botany: most bitter of all plants.
Aletris was formerly placed in Haemadoraceae.
It looks very much like Helonias dioica, which is Stage 14 in the Liliaceae. It is the combination of being abused and adapting to that situation out of lack of the power to behave differently.
Having to adapt to others, husband, priest, church, community.
Woman, worn down, no energy, worn out, from labour, children, pregnancy, work.
Being used and abused.
Ailments from a relative committing suicide.
Situation: A man commits suicide in a Catholic community. He is not allowed to be buried in the sacred ground of the church cemetery. From that time she and her family no longer feel part of the Catholic community. They are outcasts. As a mother she has to deal with the teasing and being expelled and held away from her son.
Delusion: being doomed, by their own family, by their community, by the church, by some wrong-doing in the past, religious doom, irrevocable, incurable, expelled, exiled, outcast.
Dreams: disgusting, terrible, frightful.
Aversion: food, lack of appetite.
Food: < coffee, sight, smell or thought of fat food, > dinner.
Physical: loss of fluids, protracted illness.
Energy: weak, weary, tired, < loss of fluids, < illness, miscarriages; thin, emaciated.
Vertigo: giddy, fainting, < stooping.
Head: dizzy headache; heavy, weight in occiput, drawing the head back.
Eyes: eyelids inflamed; water.
Mouth: saliva excessive.
Heart: anaemia.
Lungs: much mucus; desires to cough but is afraid because it pains.
Stomach: dyspepsia, slow digestion; distension; least food; nausea, excessive, < coffee, sight, smell or thought of fat food, > dinner; vomiting and purging, < pregnancy; all gone, < morning on rising, > eating.
Abdomen: colic hypogastrium.
Rectum: pains, severe; urge frequent; diarrhoea.
Urinary: urine lost, < coughing, < sleeping, < walking, < catching cold.
Female: menses profuse, premature, scanty, pale, with labour like pains, amenorrhoea; uterus weight, heavy, pressure, relaxed, atony, prolapse; leucorrhoea habitual abortion, miscarriage; infertility, sterility.
Limbs: pains muscles, < pregnancy.