Henry Allen
Allen Keynotes
Adapted to children with dark hair, very cross, irritable, ill-humored, want to be carried, but carrying gives no relief; does not want to be touched; cannot bear you to come hear it; averse to caresses; desires many things; but rejects everything offered (compare, Ant. t., Bry., Cham., Staph.). Constantly digging and boring at the nose; picks the nose all the time; itching of nose; rubs nose on pillow, or on shoulder of nurse (Mar. v.). Children, suffering from worms; pitiful weeping when awake, starts and screams during sleep; grinding of teeth (Cic., Sulph.); ascarides (Mar. v.). Face is pale; sickly white and bluish appearance around mouth; sickly, with dark rings under the eyes; one cheek red, the other pale (Cham.). Canine hunger: hungry soon after a full meal; craving for sweets and different things; refuses mother's milk. Urine; turbid when passed, turns milky and semi-solid after standing; white and turbid; involuntary. Cough: dry with sneezing; spasmodic, gagging in the morning; periodic, returning spring and fall. Child is afraid to speak or move for fear of bringing on a paroxysm of coughing (Bry.).