Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
665.55.11 Rosmarinus officinalis
Names: Ros maris is ‘dew of the sea’ in Latin.
English: Rosemary, rosmarin.
German: Rosmarin.
Dutch: Rozemarijn.
Source: Frans Kusse; Massimo Mangialavori; E. van Galen; Maarten van der Meer, Interhomeopathy, March 2011.
Culture: herb of memory; Shakespeare in Ophelia ‘There is Rosemary, that is for remembrance’; Romulus and Remus.
Content: molybdenum, calcium, lithium, camphora; regulates the 17 ketosteroids.
The situation is of someone who is quite brave and challenging, but hides his weakness so doesn’t lose his reputation. They cover up and are secretive. They hide their feelings to be accepted, or even go underground and have a double-life. They force themselves to face others because they want acknowledgement and they ask for constant proof, but they will not be seen for who they are, because they do not show themselves. The paradox can only be solved by stepping out of the system and daring to be oneself.
Remembrance, own path, manifestation, gifts.
Lack of clarity, certainty of self, creativity, inner peace, prosperity, health, spirituality.
Reproaches himself because he has not accomplished enough.
Aversion being touched.
Must control if the car is locked.
Silent grief.
Sharp conflicts between brothers, paroxysmal.
Feels injustice.
Desire to conquer and in the extreme eliminate his sibling.
Libido loss.
Concentration difficult; memory weak, deficient; drowsy.
Delusion: she is unappreciated.
Dream: bride with a beautiful wedding with many friends.
Dreams: python, lianas; teeth falling out.
Weather: icy cold.
Sweat: > perspiration.
Desire: drinks, thirst.
Aversion: vinegar.
Food: < fat food.
Sleep: sleepy; sleepless.
General: immunity problems, auto-immune diseases.
Head: pain heavy, < gastric problems; baldness.
Throat: must swallow.
Lungs: oppression of breathing.
Chest: oppression.
Abdomen: liver and gall diseases.
Female: menses early, painful; haemorrhage, miscarriage, ovarian cysts.
Limbs: cold legs.