Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
444.74.12 Pteridium aquilinum
English: Bracken; Brake fern; Female fern; Eagle fern.
French: Fougère-aigle.
Botany: Pteridophyta; Pteridopsida; Dennstaedtiales; Dennstaedtiaceae; Pteridium.
Content: ecdysione; tannins; prunasin; ptaquiloside; thiaminase; kalium.
Using discord to dominate and conquer, to get power.
Feeling of having to get away or hide from something or someone and not being able to.
Intolerance of others.
Irritability, anger.
Psychic sensitivity blocked.
Rational, logical, fears intuition.
Sexual desire manifested as vaginal ache.
Irritability, < before menses.
Dreams: travelling; busy; hysterical; group of sophisticated young people; driving a car, the high square buildings; protest, a feeling of urgency.
Dreams: travel; violence, heads blown off, sliced off; murder death; death from starvation; criminality, theft; capture, rescue, escape.
Type: lymphatic, nervous.
Weather: < sun; > shade, damp; hot flush, < alcohol, < hot drink or food; > fresh air, > outside.
Time: < 4 am.
Desire: hot drinks.
Aversion: food.
Sleep: soporific condition; sleepless after sex; restless, < coughing.
Physical: - >> exertion.
Head; headache, as if full with cotton; constricted.
Nose: itching; colds congestion, catarrh.
Throat: lump; pain, sore, < swallowing, < yawning, > cold drinks, > eating.
Lungs: cough, asthma.
Chest: tight.
Stomach: nausea, < drinking, < tobacco, < headache; vomiting; painless hiccough.
Abdomen: bloated; worm colic, tapeworm; liver problems, jaundice; spleen swelling and hardness.
Female: pain in left fallopian tube, ovaries, alternating sides; menses, early, light, shorter, intermittent; cystic growth on the labia; abortion.
Limbs: hip pain, stiff, right, arthritis; sacrum tilted; leg shortened; pain, muscles around joints.
Skin: hair thinning; foul ulcers, wounds.