Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
400.00.00 Pteridophyta
English: Ferns.
Botany: Ferns, Horsetails and Clubmosses; vascular; spore plants; having xylem and phloem, vessels; vascular plants; having stems, leaves, roots; reproduce via spores; have neither seeds nor flowers.
Pteridophyta is a phylum in the Plant kingdom, including the Ferns, Horsetails and Clubmosses. It is the first clade in the Tracheophyta, the vascular plants. They are spore plants and have no flowers or seeds. Pteridophyta are divided in Lycophyta or Lycopodiopsida and Monilophyta. Lycopodiopsida are sometimes placed outside of Pteridophyta. Lycopodiopsida and Pteridophyta are then classified as the two living clades at the start of the Tracheophyta. Tracheophyta is the clade that also comprises Gymnospermae and Angiospermae.
Extinct clades of the extended Pteridophyta are Rhyniophyta, Zosterophyllophyta, Trimerophytophyta and Progymnospermophyta.
In the Plant theory Pteridophyta, including Lycopodiopsida, are placed in the Phylum 4, having the connection with the Iron series. They are subdivided in the following Classes.
The Pteridophyta are difficult to classify. This is due to lack of homeopathic information in the form of Materia Medica and cases. It is due to the fact that many Orders are small, including only one family and that many Families are small, including only 1 or a few genera. This is partly a reflection of the fact that many species have since long become extinct.
1. Hydrogen series: Rhiniophyta?
2. Carbon series: Lycopodiidae, Lycophyta, Clubmosses.
3. Silicon series: Equisetidae, Equisetopsida, Eusporangiate ferns: Horsetails, Psilotales, Marattiales.
3. Iron series: Polypodiidae; Leptosporangiate ferns, Polypodiopsida; Pteridopsida, Ferns.
They are very old fashioned, hate changes. Everything should stay the same for ever as far as they are concerned. But they do not have the power to enforce this on to their surroundings. The only thing they can do is retire into their own space and keep things the way they are. They prefer to retire in remote areas where things are as they have been for ages and they hope things will stay that way for ages longer.
They want to stay small and do not want to grow and become an adult with all their responsibilities.
Peaceful, gracious.
Absent-minded, slow, zombie like.
Aversion to diversity.
Thinking slow, difficult.
Living vegetatively.
Dementia, Alzheimer.
Pride, thinking themselves to be very good, indispensable.
Orthodox, traditional, old fashioned.
Sensitive, oversensitive to criticism.
Timid, shy, in the background; difficulties in communicating.
Simple, rural people.
Their view of the world is limited, limited to that of their own family.
Lethargic, loathing life.
Strongly male, feels superior.
Concentration problems; memory loss; disorientation.
Desire: routine; predictability; simple life, in their own family and village.
Aversion: strangers, changes; change; unpredictability; become adult, to participate in culture and big cities; responsibilities; learning; exertion.
Fear: becoming an alcoholic; parents quarrelling, divorcing.
Weather: desire shade, damp, humid, wet conditions; aversion sun, heat, dry.
Aversion: food, anorexia.
Food: < alcohol.
General: ! beri-beri, thiamine deficiency; weight loss; ! growth retardation; Korsakoff.
Energy: fatigue.
Nervous: encephalopathy, Wernicke; ataxia.
Eyes: mydriasis; nystagmus; hemianopsia; amblyopia; retinopathy; retina and macula degeneration; vision less, yellow, blind; diplopia, < looking sideways.
Lungs: coughs; asthma, bronchitis; pleurisy; shortness of breath.
Heart: myocarditis; dilatation.
Stomach: nausea; vomiting; painless hiccough.
Abdomen: bloated; colic; worm, tapeworm.
Rectum: incontinence; constipation.
Urinary: enuresis; urination involuntary, < stress, hurry; stress incontinence.
Limbs: tingling, numbness; cramps, calves, < night.
Skin: wounds; sores; boils; burns; abscesses; acne, eczema; psoriasis; hair thinning; scurf.