Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Weak and tremulous; feels sick internally. Internal itching. Emaciation, < chest. Dreads open air.
Excitable and quick temper. Death seems near. Irresolute. Sense of duality; loses himself. Worries but don't know why. VERTIGO; in occiput. Occiput; aching; heavy. Inflamed tarsi. Deafness. Moist spots behind ears. Dryness in ears, nose, throat, etc. Foul mucus in throat. Hunger, causing nausea; after stool. Aversion to meat. Gastric symptoms, > eating. Nausea; sea and train sickness. Abdomen inflated; coldness in. Diarrhoea by day only (Phyt.); < cabbage; then miserable emptiness. Involuntary urine on rising. Cough at night only or < then; shatters the head, > pressing temples. Cold air oppresses chest. Coldness at heart. Stiff or cracking joints. Limbs go to sleep. Ragged, chapped hands and fingers; bleeding; in house-maids. SKIN; fragile; cracks deeply, < in angles, nipples, figer-tips or palms. Psoriasis palmaris. DIRTY, HARD, ROUGH, THICKENED SKIN; like parchment; it gets raw, festers or won't heal, < in folds. Brown spots. Eruptions having thick, hard, moist or yellow-green crusts; on occiput or genitals, < cold. Eczema. Herpes. Vesicles. Itching; orifices; with burning. Cold spots. Chilly, with dry mouth. Hot palms and soles. Sweat in spots; foul on feet or in axillae.
Region: OCCIPUT; SKIN, Folds; Scalp; Face; Genitals; Mucous membranes; Stomach; Bowels.
Worse: MOTION: CARS; CARRIAGE; BOAT; Weather: Cold, winter; Changing; Thunder-storms; Eating; Vexation; Cabbage.
Better: Warm air.