Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Relaxing irritant; causing prostration, free secretions and exciting muscles of hollow organs. Cramp, then paralysis; of bowels, heart, etc. Paroxysmal or jerky effects. Stormy, dangerous cases, with rapid changes. Pains, < from heat. Faintness; slides down. Tremor.
Morose, despairing and wretched or indifferent. Confusion. Mental fag. Excessive vertigo; with copious sweat (cold), < opening eyes. Retina retains images too long. Deathly pale, pinched look. Retracted lips. Spasm of lower jaw. Tetanus. Much spitting; with complaints. Clutching about throat. Deathly nausea and violent vomiting; < least motion; with much spitting. Retching. Pregnancy. Seasickness. Acidity. Sinking at epigastrium. Wants abdomen uncovered. Heaviness in right abdomen. Colic; with weakness. Involuntary choleraic or thick, curdled, watery stool; like sour milk. Ileus. Dribbling urine. Renal colic. Emissions. Impotency. Constricted chest. Asthma. Twisting about heart. Angina pectoris; with nausea, cold sweat and collapse. Unsteady heart beat. Backache, < lying > walking. Fuzzy fingertips. Nightmare. Icy cold skin. Thready, intermittent pulse. Cold legs. Heat; of one cheek; down spine; internal. Sudden cold sweats; with chills; in renal colic, angina pectoris, etc.
Region: Nerves, Cerebro-spinal; Vagus; Sympathetic; Ganglia; HEART; GLANDS; SECRETIONS.
Worse: MOTION, of riding; Lying on left side.
Better: Cold; fresh air; Twilight; Uncovering abdomen.