Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Natrium phosphoricumn
Natrium phosphoricum
SOURNESS, eructations, vomitus, stomach, stools, leucorrhoea, expectoration, sweats, etc. Acidity. Deep yellow discharges; matter from eyes, etc. Debility. Overfed children, with acidity.
Mental weakness. Fear, < night. Itching; nose; about mouth and anus. Child picks nose. Worms. One ear red and hot. Pale face or red on alternate sides. YELLOW CREAMY COAT ON BASE OF TONGUE; on tonsils. As of a hair on tongue or a lump in throat. Cheesy vomitus. Noisy flatulence. Gastro-duodenal catarrh. Fulness in abdomen, < standing or < eating a little. Hacked stool. Eruptions about joints, < ankles; itching. Alternate joint and heart pains. Rheumatism.
Region: Occiput; Mucous glands; Duodenum; Bile-ducts; Mesentery; Genitals.
Worse: Sugar; Children; Milk; Mental exertion; Thunder-storms; Gas-light.
Better: Cold.