Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.46.16 Myrica cerifera
English: Bayberry; Candleberry; Wax myrtle.
Use: candle wax, sealing wax; soap plasters.
Botany: shrub; evergreen thicket; mostly in marshes; flowers, branches and leaves all have golden yellow glands with spicy discharges and smell like laurel.
Despondent, gloomy.
Dull, drowsy, bad concentration and stupor.
Desire: power.
Indifference: to everything, friends, loved ones. Aversion to conversation.
Haughty, thinks himself better then anyone else.
Irritable with desire to find fault.
Condemns himself for (imaginary) faults.
Delusion: has no place in the world; has done wrong.
Delusion: being great, better than others.
Dreams: bad; ugly; amorous; head attacked by enormous bugs, which he felt obliged to kill with difficulty.
Dream: doing examinations with anxiety because not being prepared.
Desire: alcohol, pickles; acids; food, bulimia.
Aversion: breakfast.
Sleep: < after sleep.
Physical: < motion.
Discharge: offensive.
Energy: drowsiness, staggering gait.
Head: headache; dull, heavy, < morning.
Eyes: vision foggy, mist, as flames; oversensitive; sclera, dirty, dingy yellowish, the lids abnormally red.
Nose: coryza, catarrh, chronic; discharge sticky, tenacious, mucus, hard to detach.
Mouth: tongue yellow, dirty; stomatitis; secretions thick, tenacious, sickening.
Lungs, pleurisy; cough < night < lying, < talking.
Heart: problems, insufficiency, palpitations, tachycardia.
Stomach: weak, sinking, after eating; nausea.
Abdomen: ascites; liver problems, sore, dull pain, hepatitis, cancer, jaundice.
Rectum: stool light, clay, ash; flatus, very offensive, < walking.
Urinary: urine dark, turbid, frothy, scanty, bilious.
Male: prostate cancer.
Back: stiff neck.
Limbs: muscular sore, aching in the limbs.
Skin: eczema, eruptions, cracks; pruritus; ecthyma, pimples, trichophytosis.