Jan Scholten
Wonderful Plants
644.40.00 Fagales
English: Beech order.
DD: Phase 4, Silicon, Carbon; Carbon series; Silicon series; Iron series.
Fagales is one of the Orders in Fabidae, part of the Nitrogen fixing clade.
In the Plant theory the Nitrogen fixing clade is in Phases 5 to 7. In the Cronquist system only four families, Betulaceae, Corylaceae, Fagaceae and Ticodendraceae were placed in Fagales. In the Stebbins classification Fagales was part of the Hamamelidae, which contained many wind pollinated trees. Many Families from that clade have been transferred to compeltely different positions in the Apg3 classification like Platanaceae, Ulmaceae, and Hamamelidaceae.
In the Plant theory Fagales is placed in Phase 4. This corresponds with Fagales being mostly of big trees. The placement in Subphases is tentative.
1. Betulaceae, Corylaceae.
2. Casuarinaceae.
3. Nothofagaceae.
4. Fagaceae.
5. Juglandaceae.
6. Myricaceae.
7. Rhoipteleaceae.
They feel really part of a family and a village. They feel in their place, belonging to the family and having their right and place (their rightful place?) there. That can bring with it the feeling of responsibility. They want their family and village to have a good life with the necessary things and with good, harmonious connections between the family members and the rest of the village. Life is not so much a fight to get somewhere, more a struggle to keep things in good order. They do not easily become aggressive as that is not necessary according to them. Maybe they have to correct their children but that can be done with authority, without having to rely on physical or verbal violence.
They feel that it is okay to do what is necessary but then others must love them for it. They have a natural authority that comes both from their feeling that they are in the right place and from their natural leadership. For them it is obvious what should be done and that they should do it right. Even when they make mistakes they have the feeling that in principle what they did was right, but mistakes are inevitable.
Work, money, business
They are very responsible people. They are perfectionists and want to do their job well. They also feel responsible for others, take on tasks for others. They are strong and people can build on them. They can be leaders who feel responsible for others. Often they have a paternal quality about them. It can be the result of being the eldest child in the family so that they had to be the responsible one and take care of the other children.
They often get into jobs where they can be of service to others: director, teacher, doctor, nurse. They like to be available for others. They have a strong drive to make money, to have a good business. They are very dutiful. They want to do their work in a perfect way. They feel very responsible once they have taken on a job. They can feel responsible for the family, the older ones.
Family, home
They work hard for their family. It is important for them to keep the family together, to maintain the structure and the good relationships. They see it as essential that the family has enough resources, enough income and a good house to live in, and often they see enough opportunities to reach that goal.
They are closed people. They do not express themselves very much; in consultations not much information comes forth. That is why the pictures of these remedies are lacking and the remedies are seldom prescribed. They somatise easily as emotions are suppressed, so they present mostly physical problems and emotional problems are often lacking.
They are often mild people, people who are just there for others. They are stable, unemotional, unaffected by circumstances. This attitude is often the consequence of situations or a youth were they felt disrespected for what they were, so they locked themselves in.
They can be very sentimental, bursting into tears by movies or the news. This is in quite a contrast to their unemotional attitude in normal life. It is as if they can only contact their emotions when a situation is not connected to themselves.
Values are very important for them. They have a strong moral viewpoint, want to do things justly and right. They are quite strict, things have to go the way they should. It gives them the feeling of being good themselves too, to have value and earn respect. Respect is very important. They cannot stand to be humiliated, belittled, neglected or not seen. They like to be needed. They will also be affected when others are belittled or disrespected. This makes them mild and caring people in general.
In general they are loners. They go their own way in life and do not let their life be interfered in by others. They are not very talkative, more silent; they like to be on their own, often having an aversion to parties and groups of people. They are very introverted and will not tell much about themselves. It looks as if they never have problems as they will always stay calm and never will moan or complain. They stay quiet and seem to be at peace. They are not exuberant or very cheerful, it is more a quiet inward state. They will not tell much about their complaints and diseases as they have more the idea that they have to bear it themselves. They do not want to bother other people with their problems.
They are strong, vital people. They live long, are survivors. They work hard, not overdoing it but sustainedly and long.
They are serious, reliable and cautious. They are more rational than emotional.
Individualisation of adolescence.
Responsible, working hard; ambitious.
Rigid, stubborn, in their own world of values and thoughts.
Feeling of shame and guilt for what they have done wrong or have not done.
Somatising emotions, showing as if they have no problems.
Not accepted, respected for who I am.
Desire to dress beautifully, to be attractive and loveable.
Serious, reliable, cautious, silent.
Closed, taciturn.
Stable, calm, unemotional, stiff, rigid, unaffected by circumstances.
Rational, unemotional to the outside.
Profession: baker, nurse.
Ailments after death of family members.
Anger, rage, fury, held in or expressed, < too many demands, being rejected, humiliated, degraded.
Sad, depression, < being rejected, having failed, being unloved, humiliated, degraded.
Apathy, indifference from having the feeling that one’s goals cannot be reached.
Fear: pain, disease; poverty.
Dreams: bugs, animals, ghosts, stool, ridiculous.
Dreams: persecuted by soldiers, monsters; working.
Sensation: aching, burning, raw, crawling; eaten.
Weather: < cold.
Desire: nuts, coffee; food, alcohol, meat; salty potato, pickles, tobacco, butter.
Aversion: breakfast; porridge, food, alcohol, tobacco.
Food: < alcohol, < wine, < intoxications.
Physical: < dark, < light; < motion.
Head: headache, forehead, occiput.
Nose: hayfever < pollen from trees; polyp; sinusitis.
Mouth: tongue yellow, dirty.
Lungs: pleurisy.
Heart: problems, insufficiency; palpitations, tachycardia; angina pectoris, cramping pain, < lying left side; heart attack; arteriosclerosis.
Stomach: indigestion; bloated, full, easy satiety, lump feeling.
Abdomen: cold; hernia inguinalis; liver spleen problems; hepatitis, jaundice.
Rectum: fissure, pain, itching.
Male: prostatism, urination feeble, dribbling.
Back: ache, lumbar, sacral.
Limbs: rickets.
Skin: skin problems are very prominent: face, head, limbs; eczema, mil crust, impetigo, warts, naevi, fungal infections, atheroma, pimples, boils; pityriasis; eczema, eruptions, cracks, ecthyma, pimples, trichophytosis.