Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
Magnesium fluoratum
All we know about Magnesium fluoratum is from a proving done by Julian (1984, page 330). But we still don’t have a clear picture of this remedy.
Magnesium Fluoratum
Pacifism Glamour, glitter
Aggression Money, cars, clothes
Fear of loss Sex
Pain Hard, fast, hurried.
Superficial contacts
The theme, according to the group analysis,is the idea that aggression can lead to loss of their glittering social position. They are afraid to express their anger, because it might cost them their job. But they are equally afraid of aggression from others, from their clients or their colleagues. They don’t know how to react and are afraid that the conflict will get out of hand, and that they are the ones who will become the victim of that and lose their job.
A variation on the theme is 'forcefully' trying to build up a social status. They want to have a fast and smooth image. The forcefulness with which they try to achieve this makes their behaviour very artificial, not at all the smooth and easy going image they would like to have. The more artificial and cramped this gets, the more chance there is that it will bring them into conflict with their boss, putting their glittering career at risk.
Another variation may be that they are afraid that they don’t love their wife. They feel that they have to break off the relationship, but they are afraid of creating a row. One one hand they are afraid of such a quarrel, because their relationship isn’t really bad at all, and on the other hand these strange fears keep coming back from time to time, without them knowing why. Then they talk about this fear with their wife, who subsequently becomes very unsure about the relationship herself.
The root of the fear is that they want a very close relationship, but they can’t because they are so afraid that they might have to face conflicts during an intense relationship. And this is what they don’t dare to do.
the idea that aggression will lead to the loss of their job, their money or their wife.
They live with the idea that they have to keep up with society, that they have to achieve a lot. A good job with lots of money is important. Particularly a job in the business world, in banking or sales and marketing. A job with prestige is what counts for them. By having nice clothes, a flashy car and an expensive house they can show that they belong. Their fear is that they won’t succeed in getting this, that they will become poor.
The effort with which they strive to get their social status is sometimes rather forced. On the one hand they have to be strong and assertive, otherwise others might take over their hard-won space, and on the other hand they can’t be too aggressive otherwise they might frighten away their clients, which could cost them their job. So, although they do have an assertive, aggressive side to their character, they are at the same time afraid to show it. Other people's aggression also frightens them, because it might provoke this same anger inside them to come to the foreground. If they can’t keep it in check they might lose their job or their money.
A beautiful woman, like a fashion model, also fits into this picture. This will be a woman with whom they can show off. If they happen to have a wife who doesn’t quite come up to this standard of glamour, they may start to doubt if their choice was correct. This is what lies behind their fear that they don’t love their wife.
It is also possible that they are afraid of being homosexual. This fear is related to their fear of not being attractive enough as a partner.
A typical dream appears to be one wherein he marries his sister.
Location: right sided.
Temperature: warm. > outside.
Time: < 7 am.
Desire: alcohol (3), spices (3), refreshing food, sour, meat, lemon; brandy (2).
Sleep: unrefreshing.
Physical: > movement, violent movement, > walking around; > pressure, bending double.
Glandular swellings, abscesses, fistulas.
Affections of the teeth, caries.
Arteriosclerosis. Varicose veins.
Stomach cramps.
Abdominal cramps.
Cystitis, urethritis, infections of the vagina.
Venereal diseases.
Osteoporosis, exostoses, growths on fingers.
Inflammation of the joints with deformities, < hands. Hyper mobile joints, lax fibres and tendons.
DD: Sulphuricums, Nitricums, Veratrum.