Cyrus Boger
Synoptic key
Ledum palustren
Ledum palustre
Purple, puffy and chilly, yet averse to external warmth. Ascending effects; from feet. Shifting, tearing pain. Painful, cold, oedematous joints. Parts become weak, numb, cold and wither. Torpidity. Gouty-rheumatic-haemorrhagic persons. Tipsters. Dropsy. Rushes of blood. Haemorrhage; bright, frothy. Petechiae.
Raging, pulsating headache; < covers. Scalp, < dampness. Blood-shot or bruised eyes. Persistent nose-bleed. Mottled or red (pimply) face. Sub-mental gland swelled. Much uric acid sand in urine. Bleeding fibroids. Cough; tormenting; from tickling in larynx; with epistaxis; then sobbing respiration; < receding eruptions. Double inspirations. Haemoptysis: alternating with rheumatism. Stiff, crampy back; < rising from sitting. Lumbago. Hip-joint; cramps over. Swelled, blotchy, ecchymotic legs and feet. Larval gout. Sprained ankles. Feet (dorsae) itch by night and are stiff in morning Sore heels. Tender soles. Wounds, punctured; twitches in; from nails, stings, etc.; foul pus. Coldness of part, < limbs; with the pain; during fever; as if in cold water. Foul sweat. Profuse night-sweat.
Region: Fibrous tissue, JOINTS (small:; Tendons; Eyes; Heels; Ankles; Capillary circulation, SKIN; Lungs; Periosteum; Blood; Nerves; Left side.
Worse: Warm: Covers; Stove; Air; Injury; Motion; Night; Eggs; Wine.
Better: Cool: Bathing; Air.