Jan Scholten
A key word for the Lanthanides is "Self". From this word the whole picture can be derived. They want to know who they are: self-knowledge. They want to be their own boss: autonomy. They want to be in control of themselves: self-control. They want to be themselves. The word "self" in Greek is "autos", which we find in autonomy and auto-immune diseases.
The desire to know themselves drives them to discover their inner world. In their psyche only they can find out who they really are. This makes them searchers. But there they also meet their shadow, the dark side of their soul. This aspect can lead them to become a therapist. In discovering the other, one discovers oneself. They need a light, an inner light, to see their soul and to enlighten their dark side, the shadow. The discovery of themselves is needed to be able to be a master of themselves. They want to be in control.
Autonomy is a very important theme. Autonomy is probably the biggest keyword for the Lanthanides. This aspect is always present in Lanthanide cases. It's the first level of development of the Lanthanides. At this first level the being Oneself is expressed in the outer world as the desire to be their own boss.
Autonomy means being their own law: in Greek ”autos” means self or own and “nomos” means law. Lanthanides desire freedom, liberty, independence and being their own boss. They want to lead their own life. Self determination is essential. They can look like anarchists. They cannot stand being dominated, dictated to, being taken over, manipulated and ruled. They have a strong aversion to doctors, operations and injections. It feels for them like a violation of their own integrity. They have an aversion to being dependent as in chronic paralysis and apoplexy. It is difficult for them to give themselves to others. They strongly hold on to their own opinion, even when all others think different.
Mostly they create their own job as they have an aversion to being an employee that can be bossed about. They can only feel good as an employee if their boss lets them work independently. And because they are responsible people they will do what's needed on their own, without orders.
Children often have a strong aversion to schools and their rules. They don’t want their mother to choose their clothing and food for them. They cannot stand being punished and least of all being beaten. It feels like an assault on their autonomy.
This drive for autonomy and liberty is not only for themselves. They want just as much others to be free and their own boss. They don’t want to dominate others, just as they don't want to be dominated.
Identification with the world
The main identification in the Gold series is with the world. They feel part of the world and responsible for the world. They are the people who want to make the world a better place to live for all human beings. They feel one with humanity and see all people as brothers and sisters.
The people outside of the world are easily seen as enemies, like the invaders from Mars.
They have a strong power aspect. They are determined, have a strong will and can even be seen as stubborn. They want to learn to control things, the strong powers in the world. They develop strong powers, ego-power. They can exert strong forces and have great motivation to perform their task. They need and can develop an enormous concentration. Their creativity in finding solutions for their tasks is great. The outer power is just a later expression of the development of their inner power. Their tasks can be physical or mental.
They have a powerful imagination. Their power is mostly a mind power. Their imagination is mostly visual; they can create whole images in their mind.
They are often very sensitive, they know what others think and feel. As children they are very wise, precocious, almost wiser than adults. Because they see so much, they can go into states of confusion. Their inner view shows them often the opposite of what is told. This can lead to utter confusion, dyslexia and dyspraxia.
They are often also sensitive to electromagnetic fields of machines like computers, televisions, mobile phones. Or the opposite, those machines are sensitive to them. So for example, computers can get disturbed. Their power can make them feel tense, sometimes feeling as if electrified.
In general the Lanthanides belong to Stage 3. They try, search and experiment with power, the power of the Gold series. They are preparing for leadership. The search for power is mostly directed to the inner world. They have to learn to master themselves, before they’re allowed to be king. They have to learn to control themselves before they can control others, because kings can only be controlled by themselves. It’s like Hercules, who had to fulfill his immense tasks before he was allowed to become king and God.
The power aspect is mostly connected with self-control. They mostly even have an aversion to becoming a manager or leader. They want to develop self-control, more than control over the world. This drive is a later consequence of the desire for autonomy. After they've mastered control over their own life in the outer world, they discover that that's worth nothing, if their psyche is controlled by emotions, instincts, beliefs and norms and values of their culture or family. They want to find out what is going on inside of them and want to control that too. Their self-control can become so strong that they cannot relax anymore. In order to relax they can use sexuality or drugs like alcohol, marijuana or psychotropic drugs.
The word self is strongly connected to this series. The word autonomy already contains the word self, the Greek “auto”. They want to find out what is theirs and what is of others. In the course of life they want to find out what they got from their parents or other people and what is really from themselves. This is reflected in the immune system. Their immune system has to get rid of the foreign matter and hold and protect what is their own.
Inner world
The inner world is often more important than the outer world. They strive for inner development, an individuation process, a visionary quest. They want to understand and master their inner motives, instincts, emotions, thoughts and intentions, in order not to be ruled by them. They need to know who they are. They want to control themselves and their inner powers, balance their inner drives.
This drive for self-control makes them interested in spirituality, looking for it in spiritual or religious groups, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, astrology. They seek enlightenment, illumination.
The search into the inner world often goes deep. They know that the essence of things and themselves can only be found at a deep level. So they have an aversion to superficial people and things.
So they search in their psyche and often encounter their dark side, the "shadow" as Jung called it. They want to find out about the good and the bad. They want to understand the ego and the Self. In the end it’s more the release of the ego than developing it. The shadow is mostly projected; the Lanthanides come to terms with their shadow so they take back their projections. They cannot blame others anymore. They try to take their life into their own hands; they are responsible for themselves, so there can’t be anyone else to blame.
This also makes it difficult to distinguish the different salts of the Lanthanides, as they see and feel it as their problem, although they feel hurt by their friend, mother or father.
Light and Dark
This theme of knowing themselves is connected with vision. Vision is symbolic for knowing, being conscious. Light and dark make vision possible. This vision is essentially more an inner vision, as expressed beautifully by Lusseyran. He describes how he got his inner vision after having become blind due to an accident.
Light and dark is also a theme for the light and dark sides of their soul. They want to bring everything into the light.
Honest, Real, Depth
They are very honest people, at least to themselves. They look for the real thing, knowing that deceit is impossible in the inner world.
They reflect a lot on themselves, always thinking on two levels: doing it and looking at it. They have double thoughts: they think and are conscious of their thoughts. They have to do that in order not to be led by their own (unconscious) drives. This makes them answer slowly, especially when they have to think about themselves, as in an interview. It’s two-tiered thinking.
They want to have an overview (Gold series). They try to find a view from above, as from a helicopter, airplane or bird. This explains the strong connection with birds in the provings. Especially birds of prey, because they fly higher than other birds and because of the fact that predatory animals are associated with the Gold series, as being the king.
The qualities of self-control and reflection and searching in the inner world make them good therapists. They are often psychotherapists, working with therapies like NLP, regression or Jungian therapy. They can be homeopaths. Or they find their way into other alternative therapies, astrology or new age therapies, not being restricted by what society thinks normal.
Sensitive bright
They are often bright people with a lot of insight and great sensitivity. They're very alert and watchful, which is often literally expressed by their big wide open eyes. As children, they are precocious. They see and feel more than adults mostly think they'll see. They see the contradictions, dishonesties and lies of the adult world. This can often make them confused, not knowing whether to believe their own insight or that what the adults tell them. So they often feel like a loner, standing outside of the world. They feel as if they do not belong to that crazy deceitful and hypocritical world. This confusion can lead to dyslexia, dyspraxia and retiring from the world.
When they can find their own way, they often become very bright and creative. They easily see the essences of problems and find solutions. They are inventors, researchers, scientists.
Their attitude is mostly humanistic. They want everyone to be free and independent, able to decide for themselves. At the same time they bring us culture in the form of art and science, finding solutions for the problems of their time. It is like Prometheus bringing fire to humankind.
The reverse side of these powers and knowledge is abuse. This is beautifully expressed in the story of Pandora's box: once the knowledge was out it couldn't be put back into the box.
They have a strong sense of self-worth, but they have to develop it more before it can really be expressed. Again it has to do more with inner worth than outer. They can still long for recognition and appreciation and because of that they are very sensitive to criticism. Often others don’t see their hidden worth and treat them as normal mortals, even walk over them. Then they have to restrain their mortification and indignation. When criticized too much they can become very angry. When not successful themselves, they can become envious.
Isolated and hidden
They have to do things on their own, to prove that they have the control. They don’t want any help and are convinced that help is useless; they have to do it on their own. So they can feel very isolated. Their search for spiritual values makes them not understood by society and this makes them loners. The isolation can be felt as a problem, but often they feel better on their own. They have a strong aversion to the superficiality and banality of normal society. They hate gossip, small talk, parties and receptions.
Their inner quest is mostly also hidden. Others wouldn’t understand it, so why should they talk about it. Also the thoughts and prejudices of others could influence their mind and thus hinder their development and freedom.
To the outside world they won’t tell or show everything they experience, as they know that not everyone will appreciate it. They know that the norms and values of society are often in conflict with the reality of the inner world.
This contrast between the outer world and the inner reality can be very confusing. It can make them start doubting their own perceptions. As a child they can get confused by the discrepancy between their own experience and what they are told by their parents and teachers. As a child they have to believe the parents, but internally they know better. Confusion is the consequence.
They are seekers, searchers after the truth, the reality of the world and their own being. It’s like a quest, a quest for truth and freedom. As such, they often become professional researchers. But there too they tend to be autonomous, not believing anyone just on their say-so.
There’s an aspect of serving in them, being a savior of humanity. They have to learn to be humble, even with the knowledge that they are stronger and more talented. This serving comes from a feeling of responsibility for the world (Gold series). Their consciousness has expanded to encompass the whole world, they see the world as one with themselves. So the world has to be good in order for them to be good themselves. They want to do good for others, so they have to find out what is good for others and for themselves. Serving is also a quality of letting go of their ego, their superficial “I”.
They can have a strong sexuality. Attraction and repulsion can be a strong feature, as in electricity. Electromagnetism can be seen as the physical counterpart of the biological male-female duality. It can also lead to strong and even extreme forms of sexuality, like sadomasochism. In sexuality, they try to develop and show their strength. At the same time they want to control their sexuality. They have an aversion of being dominated by their sexual instincts.
Lou Klein's picture
In his own way, Louis Klein has added to this picture of the Lanthanides. He conceives of them in “a place of being hidden on the edge of life”. They are not expressing themselves in the outer world as much as contemplating and living in their inner world. They think about action more than they act. And when they do act, it is as if they hide themselves in their activities. In this way they attempt to maintain a place of autonomy from the forces related to specific life activities and responsibilities in each stage of the periodic table. One way this can manifest is in the case of a therapist or homeopath who is as much busy with his own self-discovery as healing his or her patients.
Freethinker, secularist, anarchist, Freemason.
Hidden seriousness, deep thinker. Playful.
Power, force, magnetic.
Loners < not understood, but they don’t reveal things.
Mind: strong, reflective, two-leveled, precocious, wise, sophisticated.
Visionary: light and dark.
Profession: inventor, researcher, therapist, psychotherapist, homeopath.
Desire: autonomy, freedom, independence, space, self-control, overview; spirituality, wisdom, enlightenment, truth, honesty.
Arrogance: they can look arrogant, but often it's their self determination.
Sensitive: to electromagnetic fields, computers, television, mobile phones; feel other person's emotions and sense their thoughts.
Aversion: domination, school, rules, doctors, operations, injections, superficiality, gossip, small talk, socializing, parties, receptions, dishonesty, lies.
Fear: power, heavy tasks, arrogance, high places.
Dreams: birds, birds of prey, eagle, vulture, hawk, cats and dogs, high places, falling, persecuted.
Delusion: birds, wings, flying.
Delusion: corkscrews, spiraling motion.
Mythology: Heracles (= Hercules).
Word use: deep, light, dark, tense, heavy.
Color preference: blue, purple, light, all colors; indecisive for colors (Stage 3).
Type: big eyes, long neck.
Sensation: tense !!, heavy, electrified.
Weather: chilly, -> sun, <- grey and cloudy weather.
Desire: meat, cannabis, marijuana, alcohol, drugs.
Food: > marijuana, drugs.
Sleep: -> plenty of sleep.
Physical: < electromagnetic fields: televisions, mobile phones, computers.
Causes: vaccination, domination.
General: increases the antiviral properties of interferon.
Control systems, head.
Immune system: allergies, AIDS, vaccinosis, auto-immune diseases, rheumatic diseases, Rheumatoid arthritis, Multiple sclerosis, Sjögren's syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, juvenile diabetes.
Cerebral palsy, brain diseases and hemorrhage, brain infarction, apoplexy, paralysis, hemiplegia, aphasia.
Headache: tension, pressing; < light !!, < noise, < stress, < company, < conversation, > vomiting. Migraine starts with visual disturbances: flickering, flashes, zigzags, dark spots, color spots, blindness, visual field diminished, tunnel vision, hemianopsy.
Eyes: problems with vision, field of vision, muscles, lens. Cataract, glaucoma, strabismus, diplopia, refraction problems, myopia; color blind !!. Coniunctivitis.
Ear problems, deafness.
Thyroid problems, hyperthyroidism.
Lungs: granulomas, pneumoconiosis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
Heart: blood vessels, blood.
Chest: pressure, heavy, tight, tension.
Liver: problems: necrosis, bitterness; spleen problems.
Intoxication, auto intoxication.
Colitis, diarrhea. Kidney problems.
Genital problems: testis, epididymis, epididymitis, seminal vesicles, infertility.
Female: ovaries, infertility, miscarriage.
Limbs: heavy, heavy arms. Arthritis, bone, cartilage.
Blood: platelets, coagulation problems.