Jan Scholten
Homeopathy and Minerals
Kalium fluoratum
There is no description of this remedy yet.
Kali Fluoratum
Principles, duty Glamour, glitter
Closed Money, cars, clothes
Optimism Sex
Work, task Hard, fast, hurried
Family Psychopathic
Superficial contacts
With the help of the group analysis method it is still possible to get a picture of this remedy. It is a picture full of contrasts, however. This is not surprising, because there are quite a few contrasts between Kali and Fluor. For instance, Kali is steady and dependable in his relationships, whilst Fluor wants to break off his relations. We find this contrast again in their family ties: Kali attaches great importance to them, whilst Fluor couldn’t really care less.
If we follow the group analysis we get the theme that Kali fluoratum feels obliged to allow everyone their freedom. Family members and partners should have their freedom. As far as their partners are concerned, this freedom should extend to sexual relationships. These people don’t mind their partners having extra-marital relationships. They feel it to be their duty to allow the other person room to experience and to grow. They remain faithful to their partner in all circumstances.
A variation on this theme could be the opposite situation: they feel it is their duty to break off the relationship. In this case they also stick to their principles, but their principle is that they decide when and why to break off a relationship. They are inclined to keep their relationships rather non-committal, as they don’t like to be too tied. But their sense of duty tells them that they do have to be steadfast. The message they send out is: 'You can go ahead and do what you like, I will always be like a father to you'. In this way they stay with their partner for a long time, until they suddenly think that the other person has gone too far. Then they feel duty- bound to finish the relationship, and this decision is final. This pattern can also be played out in other relations, for instance at work.
Yet another theme is that they feel it is their duty to give sexual pleasure to the other person. This reminds us of the situation of a prostitute. She would be a person who does her work with a great deal of dedication, as she wants to give people their money’s worth. The classic type of gigolo also fits this picture. Or, in a slightly different profession, the social worker, who wants to help her physically and mentally handicapped patient in their sexual desires. Another example could be in the case of incest, where the child feels it to be her duty to co-operate. In this case the forbidden aspect of the incest is not so much the key, as for instance in Nat-f.
Related to this theme is also the situation where the task to be sexually pleasing is a duty in the marriage. In some cultures it is the duty of the woman to please her husband, whether she likes it or not. Sexuality then becomes something formal, something to be endured, rather than to be enjoyed. This makes for unemotional, superficial contacts.
A final variation on the theme has to do with money. One could say that they have the duty to show off with money. If they do their duty others will certainly notice and appreciate their success. A typical symptom of Kali-f appears to be that they are rather casual about money. They are very generous, as if they have to give other people plenty of space in money matters, as if they have to act as a loyal and gene-rous father who allows others to take advantage of him.
the idea that they are obliged to leave everyone free.
They are people with a great sense of duty and they like to have stable relationships with others. But at the same time, they feel that there should be enough freedom, both for themselves and for other people. Everyone should be able to go their own way, even concerning their sexual relationships. So they may have several partners, all living side by side without any danger of jealousy.
They are very easy going in their sexual contacts. They feel that everyone should be able to enjoy this aspect of life and that it is their duty to make sure that everyone does. This might land them in the situation of being a prostitute or a gigolo. Here they will be able to give others the pleasures of sex. It might also lead to incest, because they feel that they should give this pleasure to their family members.
There is something of the dare-devil about them: 'you won’t persuade me to be different from the way I am now'. And this is true. They talk about their emotions in a laughing fashion: 'I don't care what you think'. They have their own principles and they really don’t care what anyone else thinks. And if someone doesn’t like it then that is the end of that relationship.
Friendships and partnerships may last a very long time, but they can be broken very suddenly. They feel that others should have plenty of freedom, but if they overstep the mark it is all over and finished, no way back.
They can also be rather dare-devilish with money. Money should be given freely: these earthly goods are not worth making a fuss about. They might let others take advantage of them. But here again there may suddenly become a moment when 'enough is enough' and the friendship will be broken.
Location: right sided.
Temperature: < draught, < damp.
Time: < 3 am and 9 pm.
Desire: alcohol (3), spices (3), refreshing things, sour.
Physical: > movement.
Glandular swellings, abscesses, fistulas.
Affections of the teeth, caries.
Arteriosclerosis. Varicose veins.
Inflammation of the joints with deformities, < hands (3).
Bone deformities, exostoses (2).
Infections in the vagina, sexual problems, venereal diseases.
DD: Dulc, Sulphuricums, Nitricums, Verat.